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MINUTES <br />City Council <br />January 2B, 19II1 <br />The foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Mrs. Nardini. <br />Pyes (5) Scalze, Nardini, Hanson, Forsberg, Fahey. <br />Nayes (0). <br />Reso1ution declared adopted. <br />This resolution appears in Resolution Book No. 7, Page 31. <br />Housing Plan The Planner reported that the Metro Counci7 has requested the City's <br />low and moderate housing projected needs through 1990, The City <br />had projected their needs in this area for a ten-year period, 1977 <br />through 1987, in the Comprehensive Plan. Fiowever, now the Metro <br />Council is requesting these needs through 1990. <br />Mr. Nielson stated that the Metro Council is concerned with seeing <br />that moderate and low income housing is disbursed through the metro <br />area. <br />Mr. Nielson also commented that the Metro Council has come up with <br />a range for the low and moderate income housing that each City should <br />meet. Mr. Nie1son commented that even the 1ow end of the range is <br />quite high in his opinion. However, low and moderate income houszng <br />is dependent on available funding, and with the present economy, <br />there is little or no funding available. <br />The Planner stated that in the Housing Plan he has indicated that there <br />are only 15 acres of R-3 zoned property and states that the City does <br />not want any more such zoned property. The Housing P1an states that <br />the City wi71 keep an open mind towards low and moderate income housing, <br />but they will not go out of their way to attract it. <br />Mayor Hanson stated that it is not mandatory that the City attract <br />additional low and moderate income housing. <br />Fahey said that he had no problem with the Housing P1an, as the Plan <br />is not a commitment on the part of the City. <br />Mrs. Scalze introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: <br />RESOLUTION N0. II1-1-53 - FlPPROVING THE HOUSING PLAN <br />REVISIONS AS SET fORTH BY NORTNWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS <br />IN ACCORDANCE WITH TNE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN <br />The foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Mrs. Nardini. <br />Ayes (5) Scalze, Nardini, Fahey, Forsberg, Hanson. <br />Nayes (0). <br />Resolution declared adopted. <br />This resolution appears in Resolution Book No. 7, Page 31. <br />Vadnais Mrs. Scalze reported that Vadnais Heights has approved the construction <br />Heights of some apartments on County Road D. Mrs. Scalze stated that she checked <br />with the City Clerk at Vadnais Fleights and he informed her that these <br />plans were submitted to the City of Litt1e Canada in the Comprehensive <br />Plan of the City of Vadnais Heights nine months ago and the City of Litt7e <br />Canada approved this. <br />Page -5- <br />