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aKINUTk~S <br />City Council <br />Apri1 fl, 1981 <br />i`9s~. k'ahey introduced the followit~g resolution and rnoved its adoptionq <br />RtiSOLU`i'SON N0. 81-1~-1k9 - CI,OSING THE PUBT.IG HPAft1NG <br />ON THE P:EG~UEST pF YORKTOlY llEVELOPt~NT FUk2 P1~LIMINARY <br />APYkZOV.AL 0~ INDUSTP.tHL NBVENUE k30NDS <br />The foregoing resolution was duly seconded by i'~1rs. I~ardini. <br />Ayes (5) Fahey, Nardini' Hanson' Scalze, P'orsberg. <br />Nayes (0), <br />Ftesolution declared adopted. <br />This resolution ap~ears in H.esolution Book No. 7, yage 9~> <br />i~ix~. Fahey introduced the £ollowing resolution and rnoved itw adoption: <br />RESOLUTION N0. 81-e;-150 -~E~CI`PING A Pft0Y05AL I~OR AN <br />SNpUSTRIAL F'ACILITlES D~,"VELOYI~]ENT PROJECT GIVING <br />PR~LIMINANY APPROVAL TO 2'HE 1'ROJECT PUNSUANT T~F THE <br />i~'TINNESOTA MUNICIYA'L INDUS`PRIAL DEVELOPi°fENT ACT <br />AUTHORI2ING ZBE SUBMTSSSON OF AN APPI,ICIITION FOR <br />APYROVAI, OF SATD PHOJECT TO TH~; COMMISSIONER OF <br />SECURITIES 0'A' THE S'PATli OF S'ilNNESOTA AND AU`t'HOH,IZING <br />THE PNEPA~2A`PION OF NECESSARY DOCUM"r:N'i'5 AND ~viATENSAL5 <br />IN CONNECTION WITH SAIU T'ROJECT <br />The foregoing resolu.tion was duly aeconded by I~lrs. Scalze, <br />Ayes (5) F'ahey, Scalze9 Aanson, Nardini, Forsberg. <br />Nayes (0). <br />Resolution declared adopted. <br />This resolution appears in Heso.Lution Hoox No. 7, Pages 97, 98,99, a.x~d 1000 <br />Garske 1ir, Herb (;arsxe has requested that the front footage of two of his <br />Property lots be changed. i~ir> Garska would :like the front footage of Lot 13 <br />Division reduced from 116 feet to 100 feet and the front footage of Lot ].l~ <br />increased to 91 feet from 75 £eet. <br />`1'he Czty L'ngineer stated that he did not see any problecn with this <br />proposal. <br />Nir, F'orsberg introduced the following resolution and moved its adoptions <br />RESOLUTION N0. 81-Lt~151 - APPROVING THE PROYERx'Y <br />DIVISION OF LOTS AND 149 BLOCK 2 AS REC~UES7'EA <br />BY MR. HERB GARSK~ <br />'Phe foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Mr. Hansonm <br />Ayes (5) Forsberg9 Hanson9 Scalze, Nardini, Fahey, <br />Nayes (U). <br />Resolution declared adopted. <br />This resolution appears in ltesoluta.on Book No. 7' Yage 100. <br />Page -3~ <br />