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i~ilNDTES <br />City Council <br />August 12, 1981 <br />I~Lr, Don Cavanas of 30~5 Edgerton stated that he, too, was not <br />interested in any property for a bike trail., <br />'Phe C~ty Clerk ixiforrned tho Couxzcil that I4r, Yeaka wrote a J.etter <br />and stated that Yze was opposed to the bike trail, <br />Ehlert 'Phe City Glerk informed the Couricil that the Ehlert Land Fi11 <br />Land Fil1 ap~lication will be postponed unti.l the August 26 Co~zncil meetinge <br />Application <br />Sprosty i~, Sprosty appeared before the Council requesting approval of <br />Yrop~rty a~roperty divisio.a, Mr. Sprosty stated that he would like to <br />Divisioxa divide his propexty so that the creek becomes the boundary line <br />for the resulting 1ots, Sprosty 4d3Y1I;S the lot line paral].E1. <br />to Ldgertoxz Street rather than Keller Yaricr~ray as it 9.s now, <br />'.i'lae pro~erty da.vasion is merely a realignment o:f 7.ot lines, <br />J'he Yl.axmer stated that when he fa.rst looked at the Sprosty proposal <br />kze was concesaaed with the configuration of Lot 1~, ilowever, iz~ <br /> to i~[r> Sprosty he found that the strip that wi.ll be located <br />along the creeic zvi11 be sold to tkxe owner o£ Zot 3. <br />'1'he Ylanner suggested that rather than tkxe property be:ing redivided, <br />the property sholtil.d be replatted. In a replatting, the lvatersiaed <br />i;istrict wou:l.d have to take a loolc at it, <br />i~r, Spxosty infoxmed the Council that the tdatershed District has <br />a~.ready looked at his pxoposal9 and the owaxer of Lot 3 is de~'inite].y <br />interested in purchasang the strip of property along the cxeek, <br />'lhe Ylanner suggested that a].l easements on the property should be <br />shown and the extent ok' existing grading a.nd a.ntended grading snould <br />be shown, <br />The City E;ngineer stated that he agreed that the property shouLd ~e <br />repl,~tted and the City shou:Ld take a 30 £oot easenient fbr the creek <br />et the same tinie, <br />The Ylazbner suggested that the str:ip of proper.ty that is intexideci <br />to be sold to the owner of Lot 3 should be shown as an outlot untz]. <br />such time as it is so].d, <br />a~Lrs, i~ardini. asked i~Ir. Sprosty when kze intended to finish the retaa.~aing <br />walls that he is building on the property, a~3r, Sprosty xeplied that <br />he would sonie of this woric this fall9 but not all, <br />P4xs. Nardizai ixiTormed i~iro Sprosty that his :fa.ll permit was no ].onger <br />in ef£ect. i~. 5prosty repl:ied that he was not doing any anore £illzng, <br />but he did have some landscape work to complete, <br />i~irs, Scalze Snformed tJir, Sprosty thr~t residents of the area are concerned <br />with the looks of the property and also the fact that i~ira Sprosty kaas <br />cosnmercial vehzclFS ~arked on his property, <br />k'a~;e .~12- <br />