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08-12-81 Council Minutes
City Council Meeting Minutes
08-12-81 Council Minutes
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1~i1:I1UTliS <br />City Couracil <br />~ugust :L2, 1981 <br />t~lr, Sprosty stated tha.t lae zs using this equipment in hae ].andsca~ing, <br />The C:iiy F'la~aex informed the Council t.hat aomraercial equipsnent as <br />all.os~ed on a resi.dentia7. property during periods o£ construction. <br />i°~rs, Scalze asked how long a period of construction uou].d 1ast, <br />The Czty 1'lanner stated that there should be a, tirne limit oxz a <br />building ~ermit, <br />Mrs, Nardini bnformed vir, Sprosty that is a;p100 fee that he <br />owes to the City that has not beerz paa.d. <br />Jarosch t~ix, Ron~.ld Jarosch has ina,de ¢pplication for an auto re~air license <br />Ap~1.:icat:ior~ to operate an auto repair business frorn his home in a residentia]. <br />For Auto area, <br />Repaar <br />License J'he City Ylaraner stated that thi5 is not a permitted use in a <br />residentia]. area, <br />Courzcil expressed concern that i~Ir, Jarosch was not informed immediately <br />that an auto repair business in a xesideaxtia]. area was no't permitted, <br />7.'he City t'lanner xeplied that even if the ordi~ance does xiot permit <br />, the citizen still has the right to make such a request. <br />N[r. Forsberg introduced the £ resolution axzd moved its adoptiozx; <br />ttESOLUTION N0. 81-8-1t1U - DENXING THE JAF{()SCH APPLICATION <br />FOR AN AU'CO Rtia~AS$ :GICLNSI; <br />The foregoing resolution was du].y seconded by Prir. Aanson, <br />Ayes (5) F'orsberg9 Hanson9 Fahey, Scalze, Nardini, <br />Nayes (0)> <br />Resolution declared adopted, <br />'Pha.s resolutioza appears in Reso].ution Book No. 7, Page 278, <br />Iteis `Che City Attorney informed the Couaaail that t~Ir. and Mxs. ICeis <br />Assessment are requesting that they receive a refund of the a.nterest they <br />Matter have been charged on some assessments that were not paid on <br />property they purcha.sed, In researching the matter, the ,Attorney <br />found that wlaen the assessznents were levied against i;he property9 <br />tlae assessment notice went to Mr, Tagg, a Pormer owczer of the property9 <br />r~ther than i.r. end 1~irs. iCeis, L~pparently thexe was a delay a't the <br />Court House in registering the Keisos purchase of the property' <br />and thexe£ore, whezx the Gity recei.ved its list £ro~. the <br />Court klouse to serzd out assessment notices, the Keis notice rnras <br />sen t to the `Pagg~ s, <br />Nir. Reis stated that he was aware that there were going to be <br />assessments on the propexty. He called the City seroeral times <br />and was told that the assessrnents were still pendizaga itilr> Iieis <br />stated that he even ~ut rnoney in escrow for the o.ssessments, <br />k'age .-13~ <br />
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