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i.'/iI~IU'1'1sS <br />Ci cy Gounca 1 <br />~august 12, J9s7. <br />~ix', Etyan appeared before the Couzicil, i~:ir, }~yan a~.reed that the <br />watermain in the area shoul;l be looped, but was concerned that he <br />would have co ;~tiy t.eze fu11 <unoutzt o:i' the improvemezrt, <br />~°:r•, i+"orsber~; >tai,ed tkie ,~~a'termain n~ecls to bo J.ooped for. t'ire <br />~xotec~tion pvxposes, For~ae:cg also sta'i;Ed tha.t thE-re saas insu£1'ycien~t <br />water px~essure in the three bui.:ldings on Lo~s 19 2, and 30 l~'ax~sber.g <br />sn~~;ested ttiat the Cou:ncil. order the searer fbr 'th.e t;hree bu~ldings9 <br />-~oo~ tx~e nJaterrr~:Lxi ~.nd have tkxe stree(; ovFr:Layed, <br />'r'orsberg also stated tYia.t the Courxcil prev:iously orciered that azo <br />more building permits be issued to i~iro Etyan untiJ~ the street is <br />fixeda <br />i~Sr. Joiir~ Vitale stated tha't he does not want co be assessed J'ox~ a.xty <br />iruprovement oF the road on ~7,ya.n Drive, <br />P~ir, ktyan stated tkzat kie would :Pix Itya.n llrive i.f the City would a.cce~t <br />it, Counci_Lraan I~'ahey corrunexated tkiat he dicl not think the Ci~;y cou].cl <br />accept itya.n lia~ive with al1 the peat that is under it, I~'ahey zaas not <br />in i'avor ox' tkie City having to rnaa.ntain this road, <br />i~irs. Nardini was in £avor of i~ir. A~yan payin~ the .full cost of averlaying <br />ityaza Drive' as rir, F?yan is the cieveloper oi' T;ya,n :~zzdustr:ial Ya.rk, <br />i~1r, ltyan feli; that the sewer poxtion o£ ihe isnprovement should not be <br />osidered. l~,yan. sta.ted that the're are other building, in the <br />City tha't holding tanics ral;her than sewer, Council agreed that <br />the sewer portion of the irnpr~vernent ~ras not necessary, <br />i°u'. k~yan stated tziat he t•rould loop the waterraain and £ix the street, <br />Ft;ran asiced che Council ii he £ixed tZyan Drive and the C:ity accepted it, <br />if' it would be ~ossible to prevent i~ir, Vitale £rom using Ryan Drive, <br />'the Counci:l stated that this wou:Ld no'L be ~ossible. <br />Cotuac i_lman 71'aYxey commented that he f'elt I~Ar, i~yaz~ shou:td be assessed <br />~or over:L~.ying Ryan Dxivem <br />Council discussed Urhether Ryan Drive wou].d be accepted by the City, <br />It was the £eelin~ of the Council that any ac'ta.on in this respect <br />should be postponed f'or a couple of years to see what happens with <br />the stxeet. <br />i~irs> Scalze introduced the Followirzg resol.utiora and moved its adoptiozz: <br />kZGSOLUTION N0. t3:~~8w1a~2 _ FiI~II1GING TO 'SA3ZE Z'kI~ <br />Ii~iYROVLkIEN`t' ON RYAN D~21V~; <br />The :f.'ore~oan~ reso_Lution was duJ.y seconded by P9r. r'ahey, <br />Ayes (~) Scalze9 i~'ahey9 1Sanson,, Forsberg, <br />tiayes (0)> <br />Reso~.ution declared adopted, <br />J'his resolution appears ztesolution I3oo:t tio. 7, k'a~e 279, <br />Pa~e .~15_ <br />