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08-12-81 Council Minutes
City Council Meeting Minutes
08-12-81 Council Minutes
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NiINOTES <br />City Courac il <br />August 12, 19f31 <br />The City pttorney an£ormed the Council that the Kei.sos did everything <br />they could be expected to do to fiaad out what their a,ssessmerxts were, <br />i°ix. Yarks felt that the situa,tion was just a borderl9.z~e thing whexe <br />there ~,ras a delay at the ~;ourt House a.n transferring the property, <br />NAr. Yarks inPormed the Council that the interest amounts to ~f~ly7,2l~. <br />iIr< lSeis informed the Council that he has paid half oS tkie interest <br />a~ount in the first half taxes, <br />i~irs, ScaLze expressed concern tha.t a situation of this type could <br />come up oxi any project, <br />N~r. Ia'ahey introduced the £o.llowing resolution and moved its adoption; <br />I~SOLOTI0~1 N0. 81«~8-l~11 - t1UTHORIZING TFIS RI:IMBUIL5EiviBNT <br />Ok' `i'HF' FI1~,S7' fiAlik' OF' INT~ItLST PATD ON THE KEIS ~15SESSiik;NT <br />J:i~ItiL~IATI;liY AtuA ktr~li~iBUFLSE;i~i@;NT pF THE SECOND EIALF pI~' THI!; <br />TNTERF~uT ON THE KE:LS ASSL;SS1~ll~,NT Uk'OAJ IJi~< AND NIEtS, KETS <br />k'i7ktNISHIiVU P~wOF OP' PAYa~ILIUt' OE' THE SECOND Ht1LF OF `i'tIEIR <br />'1'.~S X~S <br />^the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Nr, Porsberg, <br />Ayes (4) I~'ahey, Forsberg9 Naxdiniy Hanson, <br />lvayes (1) Sca].ze, <br />ktesolutiorz declared adopted, <br />This resolution a~pears in Resolution Boolc No. 79 Page 279, <br />l~nprovement 1'he City Fsngineer submi.tted to the Gouncil a feasibility x~e~ort <br />On Nyan for the im~roveraents on ktyan Drive. `Phis report is as fo.l#~owsa <br />~rive <br />6~tatermain to be looped from Ryan Drive to <br />Spruce 6treet $99900 <br />Sewer serva.ce to bui:Ldings on Lots 1 a.nd <br />2 be guxzzished by a purnp station ~515,000 <br />Servace to the on Lot 3 by <br />extentioxz oY service from ttyaxz :Gaxz~ $3~500 <br />9-ton xoad with seVrer and water ~;5II59000 <br />FZoad over:Lay with 4 inch bitumiz~ous ma't <br />froin Country Dxive to 12ya.~ Lane j;:1.2,5pp <br />'~he Engineer reported that the 9-ton road ira~rovement with sewer <br />and water was not £easib7,e at a cost of :~585'000< <br />The Engineer ~lso repor~ed that :i.n doing soil tests on R,yt~n Drive <br />a.t is founa that the road is on more than 3U f'eet of pea.t. The <br />Lnganeer recornmends that the road is not torn up, but that the, LA <br />inch bitwni.nons ma't is pla.ced over the ex9.stin~; road, <br />~~ge _l4w <br />
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