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iKIiVUTB~ <br />Cit;y Council <br />August 12a 1951 <br />rlrs. Scalze arztroduced the #'ollowing resolution arad moved its adoptiona <br />t~L~'SOLUTIOV NU. f31-S-1~03 - APYHOVING `CHE ll1VIS:CON OF LOTS <br />1 AND 'Ls BLOCIS 9 J. F, EISEIVNiENG~ktoS l~'1'H AllDI:CION 4dI7'~3 <br />THE S`IIYULATIUN 7,'FI11T I4ELi, SGHk1I3ER`t' CHANGE HF~R YROPOSE~D I,OT <br />DIV L51:ON SUttUEY SO TH~T TIIE NORTFIEIZN IvIO: T ZpT' PARC'uZ 19 <br />'s10ULA B~; UF' A CONFQRi11NG SI'LE OP' ].190Q0 S42UAk?,L FliliT <br />The foregoing resol.ution was duly ~ecoa~ded by Nfr, Hansona <br />~1yes (5) Scalze' IIanson, ForsbergA F'ahey, iQardini, <br />i~Iayes (0), <br />Resol.utiozx declared adoptedm <br />This reso~.ution appears in Resolut:ion 13oak No, 7, ~'agee 273 and 27l~. <br />Holzschuh iiayor Hanson o~exied the public hearing on the proposed approval of <br />Yreliminary the Holzschuh prel.imirzary platting of propert,y located 7l~0 feet <br /> south of Coua~'ty Hoad D and S'ronting on the east side of I'ayne Avenuea <br />Isix. Ji.~l Bar'tells of k~.ealty 6dorld' ropresentixig lvir. Holzschuh, <br />a~peared before the Counci_l. Nir. 13artelys submitted to the Council <br />a, clai£erent proposal for the platting o£ txae IIo7.zschuh property <br />than the Counczl had before 'cherr in their agendas, 'i.'izey are no~~ <br />proposing a Lesser. deptl~ to the property, kldja.cent property o~rxzers <br />kiave requested that they be allowed to pur~chase a~proxama.tely <br />lab azzd '1/2 feet o£ the baak portion oi' the 'rtol.zschuYz property so <br />~;haL ~u~;ure development o£ the c;nttre area. could be a.cccrnpl:ished. <br />i°lr, ksartells indicated tkiat the l.ots to be d~velopec3 by Ntr. kiolzschuh <br />would still meet City Code for se~uare f'ootage, <br />i~ir. t+ahey ind9.cated that this rzew proposal would have to be presented <br />to the :~lanxaing Commi.ssioxi, <br />The City Planner informed the Councia. that the ~].atting of the <br />ISolzschuh property raises the issue of the developrnent of the <br />exztire area. `Phere i.s a pxoblem with road con~'agurations :in the <br />area. 2'here is a].so the question of whether or no't A.L'1en Avenue <br />should go a.n, i~Jr. Vielson also indicated that the Holzschus ~lat <br />should also skzow what is to happerz to the back piece o3' property, <br />It wa~ the Planner~s suggestion that it be shov~ as an out:Lot on <br />the plat, un.til the time that it is sold to the surrounding property <br />owners. <br />The Planraer also sug~e:ted that the City given more consideration <br />Lo the development of the area as a whole, <br />1~Lrs. Na'rdinl. suggested that Northwest Associated Consultants should <br />take a look ab thi.s axea and the Council ats recommendations <br />£or its development. Nardini Felt that the Council should have this <br />a.nformatzon be~'ore it begins approving plats £or the area, <br />aVayor Fianson felt the City should have a with the property <br />owners in the area a,s to the fubure development in that area, <br />Page w'~'~ <br />