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A"ll.~lUAL'S <br />~i1Ly' L'U11T1C1~. <br />Au~ust 12' lytSl <br />c~irs, Scalze stated that the City has the street grid system that <br />the City Engineer laid out, and the Council aLso knows what the <br />property owners in the area w~nt to do, Nlrs. Scalze 4'elt that <br />the Coutacil should get some input £rorn the PlanrAer on tha.s area, <br />I~ar, r'ahey brought up the rnatter of the property owners wanting <br />'~'0 i'oot stxeets in this area rather than the 60 foot streets <br />required by Caty Code, I~'akiey stated that he would also like itiput <br />on the A].len Av~a~ue issue, P'ahey felt that the property owner~ <br />in the area should get together themselves an@ taor:t out orhat they <br />want to do, <br />~lra llon Valento, a px•operty owriex in the area, stated tk~at the <br />property ownexs have worked out how they want to develop the <br />axea axad they have given tkie City Engineer and Ylarzzier a. copy <br />of their proposal, <br />Tne City lingineer stated that ihe reasorz for tkae 50 £oot streets <br />in this area is that there are a lot oF narrow strips of property <br />involvedy and 50 foot streets would help in the develo:pment o£ the <br />area, i'he Eng9neer also stated that 50 f'oo't streets are very <br />comrnon, <br />i'he Ylanner stated that 50 foot streets wouJ.d be adequa.te, <br />t~;r> F'ahey stated that iP 50 foot streets are adequate, that is <br />£ine with him, It would also keep more pxoperty on the tax ro11s, <br />The Y:Lannex stated that there coul.d be a problem with long straight <br />streets, <br />Nlr. ~artells asked i£ the Council coul.d act on a portioxz of the <br />HolzscYzuh proposal and consider the remaitaing portion o£ the plat <br />at the time the l17.].en Avenue issue is 'taken care o£. <br />'Phe iviayor pointed out that since this is a new plat it would have <br />to go before tlae Planning Commission again, The Planraex also stated <br />that tlae plat would have to take into account that back porti.on of <br />the tiolzsr:hu$ property, <br />Mr, Fahey commented that the whole issue o£ the developmerat oS this <br />area needs a little more study9 and the CounciJ. should not make any <br />hasty decisions, <br />i~3rs. Nardi~ intxoduced the following resolution and moved its adoptione <br />I2E;SO:LUTION iVO, 81p8-lt04 - CON`~'INUII~TG THE YUBLIC HP~AI~iJG <br />Oti THE HpLZSCHUH PN:~LIMINARY YLAJ' UNTIL THk: S~-PTE~BER <br />y9 198]. I~GUliAR COUVCII, N1~'liTING <br />The foregoing resolution was du~.y seconded by Nir, Fahey, <br />Ayes (5) IVardixii, F'ahey, iianson, Scalze, ~orsberg, <br />Nayea (O). <br />ltesolution declared adopted. <br />This resolution appears in Resolutaon Book No, 7, kage 271y, <br />Page -6p <br />