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i~ilt~u~Ls <br />City Couracil <br />August 129 1951 <br />[°ir, Valea~to poizated out to tlze Gouncil that unless 50 foot etreets <br />are allowed iaa this area9 it will rzot be possible to develop the <br />P~'v~ertya Vad.ento also informed the Council that the sale o£ tkze <br />back portioxi of the Holzschuh pro~erty to adjacent p.roperty owners <br />in the area is necessary a.n ttae developmettt oi' the area, <br />i~irq F'ahey stated ~hat £rom the commerats o£ the Ylanraex and the <br />Engineer it does axot seem lilce there will be a problem with 50 <br />foot streets. <br />ivir, Valento commented that the propexty owraers along Payne <br />Averaue do not want A11er~ A.venue put in as there wi11 be a 1ot o~ <br />traPfic generated on Payne Avenue, <br />i"~x'. F'ahey stated that the ~lann,ex wi11 make a report on the A11en <br />Avenue matter, I'ahey also sug~ested tkaat the Council call for a <br />public hearing on chazaging the City~ s Ordinance to al.].ow ~'or 50 foot <br />streets. <br />i°irs, Scalze lntroduced the £ reso].utiosi and moved its adoptaon; <br />FtESOT,UTIOiV N0. 81m8-1~05 .~ CALJ;]NG FOR A k'Ut3LIC HEARING <br />orr s~~r~z~~,x 9, 9 z~ro co~szDEx arr~ivvzivc ~ri1~ su~vzvxszov <br />oru~zluatJC~ ~o a~z~ow ~~ox 50 ~002~ s~~x~~rs zrr ~rx~; c:~~z~x or <br />LITTZ~; C.ANAUA <br />The foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Nir, II~nson, <br />Ayes (5) Scalze9 ITanson, I'orsberg9 Nardixaa,' k'ahey, <br />Nayes (0), <br />ftesolutaon declared adopted. <br />This resolution appears in Hesolution Book i~o. 7s pagE 27y. <br />Tkae ~lanner stated that if the Couracil agrees witka the plau that <br />~pz~ S~roperty owtters put together £or the area9 it should be adopted <br />as an anxendmexzt to the City This wou:ld then become <br />the City~s comm'ttment to the property owners that this is how the <br />area would develop, <br />The Planner did not bel:ieve that this Faould kaave to get Nietropn:Litara <br />Couszci~. a~proval, <br />Nirs. Scalze stated that drainage for the arsa skxoul.d be considered <br />and any easements that would be ~eoessazy for the City, <br />Nir, Dean Paisley, a property owraex an the area9 appeared before the <br />Council aaxd a.ziforn~ed them that he was not willing to donate any oY <br />his propexty fox a trail, <br />V9.ncent ~°~yor Fianson opened the pubJ.ic hearing on two ve.riazaces that zaould <br />Bx~ss be necessary in the proposed Vincerzt Brass expar~sion, The fa.rst <br />Ex~ansiorz variance would be for a 7:l/2 foot side yaxd variance, and the second <br />varisnce would be gor a reduction zn the ofi'-street loading berths <br />that are by City Code, <br />Yage .~7m <br />