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~IINt7T~;S <br />Ca.ty Council <br />August 12' 1981 <br />Nir. idorman Smith, General NAanagex of Vincent Brass appeared before <br />the Counci:La Iyir. Srnith stated that by reducing the size o£ the <br />bui]iding in, proportion to the variance being asked £or could affect <br />the project, Mr, Smith asked that the variance be approved without <br />ths~ requirement to reduce the size of the building9 and Uincent Bxass <br />wou].d try to provide any landscaping the City wou].d require, <br />NLr, Smith indicated to the Cauncil that Vincent Srass does <br />not intend to blacktop the west side of the building immediately, <br />This ~rea woul.d be for future if needed. <br />Mr. Fahey stated that the pl$n shoul.d show that this area is intended <br />for £uture parking, <br />The Ylanner stated that if this is doxie, and the is so1d,, <br />if the Council feels that additional parking is needed, it would <br />be provided Yor, The area could be landscap~d until the time <br />adda.tional parking is needed. <br />Mr, k'ahey intxoduced the following resolution arzd moved its adoption: <br />i?ESOLliTIpN N0. f31..8_1tp7 «~PP~OVIIVG THE VINGliNT BkZASS <br />EXPANSION SETIIACK VARIANCE AND LOAT)TNG BER'I'H VAHIANCE AS <br />UUTLIIQED :[IQ TI3I: CITY YLANNER~ 3 I?~,pORT DATED AUGUST 3 a.98i <br />udI'~'A THE pDDIT:COiv.AL CONDITIUN ON THE VAFZC~~C~; THAT TFIE 4dL+'ST <br />Sllll': OF 2'HE }3UILDIIQG BL Dk~SIGNATED FOR FUTUHE PARKING AND <br />`i'HIS STAE UF' `PHE BUSLllING CURRENTLY B~; LpNDSCAP;;D AND LEpq' <br />IN GIi[sEi~I ACRL~'AGG' EXCLUDING THE AREA IMNIliDIATELY ADJACENT TO <br />THE pF'F'ICE AREA ANA LOADING 13LRTH IN THE I~IJDDLi; OF TFII; BUILllSNG <br />OV 7'HE WEST SIAE A~D T~~E AI~A AAJACEN7' TO THli t,0.a1 DING 13ERTH <br />pN 7.'H~ SOUTH liND OF 'PHE $UILDING~ AND TAAT VTNCENT BFtASS <br />1'ROVTllE AND llEVL;LOP THE AHI;A pN TH~ ~r7EST S1llE OF TH~ ~3UILllTNG <br />FOR YAktKING IN THE F'UTUHi; IF ANA ydHLN Iq' IS HE(~UIRED By Tg~ <br />CITY 01~ I,ITTLE CANADA9 ~1ND WITH THE STIPULATlON THAT THE CITY <br />I5SUIs NO BUILDIVG PENatiIST TO VIi~7CE17T ]31tASS UNTIL THEY HAVE <br />SUBNIITTED TO TfIE CSTY FINAL YLI~IV'S SHOUJING Tilli PARKING AtiU <br />GREEN AkZEA ~1S DE;SCRIBED ABpVE;9 ~Np FURTHER CONTIiVGENT UPON <br />VIVCkf;NT BRASS~S COMYLYING ii:ITH TEIE Pil'sCOMMENDATIONS TN THL <br />]'I,A~iQERtS R~;.F'ON't llATED AUGUS`P 3' 19n7- T~7IIIC~I INCLUDES THAI' 7'~~E <br />i3ILi,BOAkZD OIV 'PHE AORTII SIDE Ok' lIIP; PRppERTy }3g RI~;MOVJi;D <br />`i'he foregoing reso7.ution was cluly secoxided by Mr, F'orsberge <br />,Ayes (5) g~ey9 I~'orsberg, FSanson, Nardini9 Scalze, <br />3Vayes (0), <br />Resolution declared adopted, <br />This resolution appears in Resolution E3oolc No, 79 Page 276, <br />DV~ i~ix. liave I,upe of the Depaxtment of Natura]. Ftesources appeareci bei' <br />the CounciJ.. C~Sr, Lupe appeaxed at the Couno:il meeting to address <br />the Covncil on the subject of Shore Line Nianagement, <br />i~lr, Lupe stated tha.t the ANR curxently has three identafications <br />oF bodies o:f water requiring shore 7.ine controls, These are natural <br />environanent, recreational developmenty and generaJ. developmenta <br />Ya~e -9- <br />