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A'.t.L.NU`.I'}~~.7~ Uk' ~JArL t~l'.~iU1,.k~kZ J1u.ui.A,1`1(i <br />C i.'1'Y COUIVC..i.L <br />L_CT`i'L.c: CAIV~~D4!, ;~iJ.idNf.sSO'~A <br />Se~teinber 9, 19Fi1 <br />1'ur.suant to due call a.nd notice thereo(' a regui~,r nxeetiz~g of.' the <br />City Council oi' 'the City o:F Littl.e Canada, P~:izanesota was held oxi <br />the yth day of September9 1y81 in the Council Chambers of ~he Cit~~ <br />Center locat,ed at 5:~5 i,attle Canada Ftoad ixi City, <br />'1'he tictin~ I<Iayor9 b~1r, ailiichael r'ahey9 called t}ie rneeting to order <br />~~ 7e3~ i'dl~i, and the followin; ~~~re p.resent at .rol:L call, <br />k1ASi~iFs:GR`i Pk~GSL;N`I'< <br />Acting i~layor <br />Counciliriari <br />Councilwoman <br />CouncilUroman <br />i~ir, i4ickz~el Fahey <br />i~r, Denni.s Forsberg <br />Nirs, i~~u~s Nardini <br />l-.xs, t3everly Sca.~.ze <br />i''ii~i'~1F3i5i? F1.B;iLiV`1'8 <br />F1LS0 i'k?E:iEiV`i'a <br />t~iayor <br />C'ity Clerk <br />City ~ttorney <br />Cozisultisig lirigixaeer <br />Cll;y Planner <br />ltecording Secretar,y <br />tir. 1?ayrnond liar~son <br />Mr, JosEph Ohlebeck <br />t4r< Clay~;o.n Yar:cs <br />i~ir, Dona~_d Cax~ley <br />i~ir< Brad i~ii elsoza <br />a~ir,,, lCathleexi Glanzer <br />a~~proval <br />' P-irs, iVardina indicated tY~at Itesolution i4o, SlaB-1.s30 0£ ihe ~lugust 2Ei, <br />he <br />Ot ~ 1)fS:L Counc i.l rneetirz~; minutes should be a.rnended to shoxa that th~t <br />i~linuLes resolu~:ion ~,7as seconded by l~a r, P'ahey, <br />i~,rs, Nardi.n~. Purther stated that on k>a~e 1.0 0£ 'these same miautes <br />the para.grs~a,gh acldressaxi~ the Ua~;ne ancl DEBaee ~~ra:~~; pE~,iit znatter <br />should ref~.eci that the Bui:idin~; :Cz~spector Y•ras .`~xzstrucLed to red tag ~,he <br />jobs and instruct the parties asxvolved that i:hey rnust t'a1e a condit:ionaa <br />use perma.t app:licatione <br />`ihe City CJeric poin'ced out tYaat ftesolution ado, ~ii-8~1~35 oi' the AugusC <br />269 19i~1 rninuCes should be amezxded to .ref'lec't ~hat t4rs, Scalze <br />introduced t~at resolutioxt, <br />a~Ars, 1Var.dini a.rztrodueeci the ~ollowing resolutiorz and moveci :its <br />tZL;SOiU~'IOl~i iVO, ~1my41~51~ ^ A;'i~iZOVSt~G tFil? 1~1Ii~U'lk;U OI~' iIII~; <br />11UGUS`P Le~, 1~ lili;GULF~~t i~i~;li7::C1~G SU73~LC'a' `1'G 'PI;E <br />GU7'LSNISD 61f~;ENDi~aE[J'i:S <br />i'he .i:'oregoixig .reso:L~.tion ti~as duly seconded by i-ir, I~'orsberg, <br />~YeS ~~~) iJa~dizay, l~ox~sberg9 1'a.hey, Scaize, <br />Vayes (0)> <br />iteso~uC:ion. declared adopted. <br />This resc~lution a~pe~..z~s :Ln ~ieso:Lution 13oo~.c tVO, '7, 1'ages 29) ax~.d 3UOe <br />kage ~.l_ <br />