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09-09-81 Council Minutes
City Council Meeting Minutes
09-09-81 Council Minutes
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i l.! [~ (J'I'tSS <br />C~ty Couraci:l <br />~eg~bezabec 9s 1>&1. <br />t'ubL:ic i~ir, t~'akACy opened the publ.i.c 1'~ea:rint; on tkae p~ss_~biyi.ty oJ' a~nend:i.zag <br />.:ear.:lrz~; ~x~irzazice A~o, 1GC4 urhich would per~i~~it 50 f'oot streei; r.~ig;nt~o~mways <br />Amending in certain ~reas. <br />Grdixzance <br />~~o -~~~ 'ihe Cbty 1'.~an~er stated tha,t il~:~s ~ossibil:ity r•r~~,s sut;gested by i;he <br /> City lsn~_iz~eer, i'he City currently requires a. 00 f'oot ri£;ht«o:f-iaay, <br /> `l'hc: iSnF;ineex• sur;~;ested this possib:ili.ty based on an area in tize <br /> City beixag considersci Fvr developrnent tha'l; has sorns serious road <br /> con_F_~gura.tion problems, <br /> `l'he City i'l~nsze.r sta:l;ed l;hat tne i~Ietropola.tan Council x~ecently ~ut <br /> out ~a. x~ek>ort that cities cozzsider tkAe :possib:ility of' <br /> reducing tkie 60 1'oot .ri~ht-o:E'«.caay requirement, <br /> The 1'lanne.r~ i'elt a. 50 aoot righi;-Of'ecaay iaould be adequate lox~ <br /> j~aaement and ut:Llities and aiso :Cor snow, <br />'Phe P1.anner subrnitted ~;o the Co~ixzci:l. an o.rdineance arnondan~; thE C:ityo s <br />60 f'oot requiremerat, ~ihe Y.Lanne.r is suggesting iYZ this arneridriient <br />that Lhe o0 ('oot .requireraent reraain i°or a.ll :Local stxeets pla.tted <br />a.nd/ox dedica.ted ~rior to October i9 19Ef]q a.nd ~. 50 foot rec~uireinent <br />be placed oxx single £arnily residential local streets platted ancl/or <br />dedicated a1'ter ~ctobex i, 1yf31. 1'he Ylariner is also suggesting that <br />tkie ii0 :foot requiremen~: resnain for all other :Local streets p:l.atted <br />axad/or dedicated a:fter October 19 1.)81, <br />'xhe i'l.azzner st~ted that the ordinance he is submitting lea.ves the <br />requir~raent o~en i,o sorne extent9 and in ce.rtain cases wlxere the <br />~e~~ineer .r,ecoriunends t}ie width could pe ].ess tiian 60 feet, the Counc9._t <br />can iaAce such actiozz. <br />'1'he L;• s'tated that ch~ subject is being broughi; u~ because of <br />the unic~ue sa.tua'tioxz in the Yayne F~venue areaa The isxzgineer did not <br />E'eel that by reducing the requireznent to 50 ~'eet o1' right-o£-tiaay orould <br />matse tha't rnuch di£i'erexice> <br />i'he City z'lanner pointed out that by decreasin~; the right..o£-way <br />requirement9 the Coutacil raas in effect xeducin~ tkzo aanounL oi' open <br />space, <br />'lhe I;a~gineer stated that the gavement Y~ridth orould sti11 be 30 feet, <br />i~irs, Scalze S.ntroduced the followixd~ resolution arid rnoved i'ts a.dopt5.oxia <br />itts'SOGU'iiOiV iVO, £t:l-9~.ZA5`> -~ C~OSIIdG TH;~ 1'Ui3LIC fx~:l1RING OIQ <br />T"siE YROPUSN:D kLNlEND`raliiVi' i'0 OAtDIN1f~CL AVO. l~L~ <br />'1'he i'orego:tng resoluLion c~ras du:Ly seconded by :~"irs, Nardini, <br />Ayes (Li.) Scalze9 Nardin:i' F'ahey, P'orsberg. <br />aVayes (0). <br />}Zeso:Lution cleclared adopi.ed> <br />`i'kiis reso.Lution a,i~ears a.n stesolutaorz }3oolc Noa 7, 1'ap,e 300a <br />Page «2.- <br />
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