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i~dTUUTI~:~ <br />City Counci.~ <br />Septenaber )9 lyBl <br />tIol.zschuh ~ix, Richard ilolzschuh appeared before the Council requesting Council acta.on <br />k'relirn:i.nary on his pre:Lirninary plat> <br /> <br />i~ir, 1~'ahey po9nted out that the l~laraning Gornrna.ssion has not taicen action <br />on the Ho~.zschuh prelimina.r,y plat. <br />Mrs, Nardirzi. inl;roduced the £ollowing resolution and moved its ado~tion; <br />RL'~OLUTIOIQ 'td0. E11_9°~~~~3 - k2;~:MOVING F'tuJNl TAHL~ 7'I?E <br />FIOL'LSCiiU;i PAE;1,Ii~Stdt1RY PL~1~' <br />~'he foregoixag resolution was dul,y seconded by NIr, x'ahey. <br />elyes (!~) iVardini_9 P'ahey9 I~orsbex~g9 Scalze, <br />Nayes (0). <br />Etesoluti.on dec~ared adopted, <br />'I'l~is resolution appears in Resolution ~ook No, 7, Yage 302. <br />NLr, f3olzschuh requested tha~ the Council ka:im approva_l. For the <br />fix•st seven lots on his pre:t.iminaxy p1at, The CounciL could delay <br />~ction on the rest o:f the plat un'til the A].len I~venue subjeci: is <br />reso.l.ved, arzd Lhe development o~' the property i.xi the back of the <br />Holzschuh ~a~dperty is settled. <br />i~ir. F~hey pointed out that the, PJ.anning Commission ha.s nof~ given <br />the Cour~cil a x~ecommendation on i~ir. Holzschuh+s pro~osa7~, <br />hir. ElolzschuYx stated that the pa~,1y problems are the A].len tlvenue <br />question and the cross streets in the back property. i~ix•, Holzschuh <br />stated that he does not want to be de7.ayed in sellin~ his p.roperty <br />because of the problems wiCh the back property, <br />i'he Ylax~aer stated tha.t the seven lots £or which i~lr. HoLzschu?~ i~ <br />~eekang approval are not in questi.orA, <br />Nlr, k'ahey stated that the k'lflnrzin~ Comm~.ssion did a.pprove the :first <br />Ho.lzschuh pr.oposal which prova.ded i'or 75 foot lots. <br />Nr. I~'oxsberg stated that tYae City should not create a p.roblern caith <br />unsa,:Leable propexty, that could be caused by approving the Holzschuh <br />proposal, ~~ir, IIolzschuh replied that if the Counci:L approved 75 foot <br />Lots, there would be a great deal, oF unsalea.ble pxoperty in bac:~ of <br />his property, <br />The Ylanaaer corrunented tha,t the Ci.ty does not allow the <br />development of' an outlot, but in this case it wou:td ber~efit the baclc <br />propertiesa The Ylanner sug~ested that appro'va1 0£ t~ir, 3Iolzsekzuka9s <br />seven lots couJ.d be graa~ted ba.sed uporx approva.l o£ the Planni.n~~ <br />Comrnission. <br />The r;ngineer pointed out that I~ix. IIolzschuh is comarag in with a. <br />proposal that iaa.1L benefit the othex property owxiers in the area, <br />~he Engineer stated that the approvals requested by irlr, }Iolzschuh <br />are not unreasonabJ.e. The xsngineer also poirited out that Nir. SioJ.zschuh <br />as seeking preliminary approval a.nd the ~'inal plan ~•ril1. have to <br />show a drainage easemeni: on the rear lot 1.7.nem <br />Yage m1~m <br />