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i~S ~~dUTI:;~ <br />City Couxicil <br />September ~9 1)£31 <br />t~;rs, Nardini stated that the Council shouAd remember that it it reduces the right..o~'~. <br />cray requireraent9 it is in ~fi°ect g9virzg away ~ublic pro~erty> c4rs, <br />Idarclini also stated that i£ tne Council was bein~; a~~proached by one <br />property oc~mer •aitkz this rec~ues'L, the Council woul.d not even cons:ider <br />it, `Ahe Courzcil is doing this for the peop:te in liittle Canada, <br />'.l'he City ~ltcorney made i;he fo:llowing st~~estions for amerxdments to <br />the proposed oxclinance subrna.tted by the Planner; ~'hat the ta.t:l~ be <br />amended to add the phrase ~~In Single P'amily Resident9al Areas~~ a£ter <br />the words ~~ Local Stree t5~~ 9 and that quota~;ion rnarks be pla,ced be:fore <br />the nwaber ~t006.030 and after tkze words October 19 19f31 sn subparagraph <br />iii, <br />itiirs. Nardini introduced the £ollowing ordinancE and xnoved its adoptions <br />/ ~~ <br />OktllINAiVCL N0. ~~5 ° A:t~;uTvDIIJG TIIL LI7"1'lil; CANl~v~1 SUZ3DIV:~SIOIV <br />~l ORD:CNANCE - N0, 6!s y SEC`PION 1006.030 (p )( 3), ~3Y i?EDUC:iNG <br />~, ~~ ~,~ THE P4INIi~lUN1 itIGHT-OI~'-vJAY WIATH F'012 lUli4d LOC.~1~ STNFliPS TN <br />1~ SItIGLr, i~t~f~ILX RL+'SIDEN2'IAL AF{EAS P'EtO.M SIkTII (60) F3~:E`C ^10 <br />FII"I'Y (50) F'EET AS A[~IENDED BY `CHE CITX AT7.'ORNS:X <br />'Phe f'oregoing ordi.nance was duly seconded by i~irs. Scalze. <br />Ayes (I~) NardSniy Scalze9 I~'orsberg, Fahey, <br />Nayes (0)e <br />OrHan~nce declaxed adopted, <br />Public i~ir, P'ahey opened the public heaxing on the use of revezxue sharing funds <br />liearing during 1y82. It as the recommendation of the City Staff' that the 1982 <br />Ose Of revenue sharing funds i.n the amount of y5~-~,573<00 be used for police <br />i~evenue pr¢~tection. <br />,~harin~ <br />Flmds 1'here was no one present wi.shing to cornment on tkzis subject. <br />a°lr> Forsbexg introduced the followin~ reso:Lution a~d moved its adoptione <br />Nk:SOLU`PION N0. t31-.9^I156 - CLOS:Li~IG iIIL PUBLIC IIEAItITIG <br />GiV TI~E USB OF 19 . k~~VliNUE SHAS3ING I~'UNDS <br />The £oregoin~ resolution was duly seconded by P4rs, Vardini, <br />Ayes (1~) Forsberg' Nardini9 k'~kiey9 Scal~e. <br />Nayes {0). <br />kesolution declared adopted, <br />This resolution appears in Resolution 73ooic No. 7' Yage 3010 <br />i~lrs. Scalze introduced 'the following resolutipn and rnoved its adoptione <br />RL'SOliI7TZON N0. 81-9-l~57 - AII7'HORIZING '1''ItAT THE kROk'OS~D <br />~9~~ R~;V~NIIE SFIA#R1NG ALLOTN~~~T I:N TH'L+ lll~OU.N`~' OF ~i51~,573°00 <br />~ IISED IiV TFIE 19n2 £sUDGET k'OR POLSUE YROTEC`PION <br />The foregoing resoluta.on was du:Ly seconded b~ a~1rs, Na.rdini, <br />Ayes (I~) Sca.lze9 Nardini9 i~'ahey9 Forsberg. <br />tVayes (0), <br />ttesolution declared adopted< <br />'I'ha.s resolution in ~Zesoluti.on ~3ook No, 79 Page 301e <br />kage -3- <br />