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it~1 N U'1'L~i <br />City Couxzcil <br />Septenzber 239 19f31 <br />1-;xe flansorx introduced the followi~~; resolutiori and rnoved iCs a.doptiozas <br />~s~0I~U1'10i~ AVU, t~l«9~1~t3~ ~ D1t?t~C`i']1~Ci 'iii:E; (,L`1"l. C:(,Uktfi9 <br />li\ C.OO.Piiit6l]~Old ';11~~'11 `lt:(l~~ CiC1Y }1~;Gl.Ni~L:ty A(1 `J.ISAVll A <br />l~k~:itl5i2 i.'U ld}Z, ~Gi3t11~I'E).? I~Y ~ZcG1:.`.i`l'1~_~~!;D :(~1ti:CL J_JVFO.U-.1NCi <br />II.LA'x ~.~1I.~~1 iSu AAUiJ~~ ~1~A1L~i ~il'.~AfL~t~,Vx~~.~i. kACI~.L~}.N ~i~~'II.L ~~1~~~~!~lZl~1.~.~.Vi.'+ <br />IvLGLS.~,A1C`C vIT4[ 1'~c;Gf~i'~7) :~0 ltli3 i~:ILL ~iih'i' i1i5 il/,5 <br />Ji!;x'Ou_C'I'BD Oid CI'IY t'1:0:'uR.^tY 6~[~!) t1:Lu U'adtv PR()kk~:ft5 `L <br />`i'he £'oregoirig x•eso:l.utioz~, cras du1;q seconded by i(u°s, Nardi.aai., <br />~yes (5) Naxxson, AVa.rqina, 1~ahe~Ys I~'or;~~crgy ~ica_Lze, <br />fJa,yes (0), <br />J;esolvt].on dccl.ux~ed ado~ted, <br />This r_esolu~tioxa ap,~ears irz %~eso.l.u~Cion :Boox iao, 7y Pa.g~s 32`i a.nd 32~, <br />i~'i17._ing In 1~irs, Scalze reported tha:t she and tkze ,sxi~a.neer hav~ a meetixzg set <br />ria.k~l.ewood u~ for eax~.Ly ne:~t caeek witki the City o.f, t~apleu~ood .r.~gFtirdiri~ tlie <br />zillis~~; tkia,t .~tir. i'i~iititeh i.s cloi.n~ on the boundar~ o~' ~it'tle Cartacla. <br />azzd i~aa.~lesaood, i(ms, re~>orted 'that zize di.~.e l.s stil.l in <br />ex:i.sterice and tize: daice :is spreacl:i.riU and cre;ating rnuc:c oxi the Lif,t7ve <br />Cana.da,, i~irs, ;icaize sug€;ested trzat ~eople in. tne City oi' <br />i~laplewood t•rho have requested to fzoo:c u~ Lo l~~_ii;Le Canada.~s sewers <br />should z~ot be allocaec3 to do so tim:ti.J. ~`,his situatio:o. w:itk~ the diace <br />ar,d 'i_i;t1:~.rzg is resolved, <br />.+drsa ~c~~.LCe in£ tkx~ Council that she w:i.a.a reuo.rt ba.elc on Lhe <br />res~zlts oi ~the n~se~tang, <br />i~iar.y House 1''ne Ca.~ty ~Ltorziey .repor~ted that he rnet witYi tiae :ladies of i~i~xy 4iouse <br />and with Chuc:z. Gody, itze:~.s• representat:iv~, tat the rneeiizag va.x~ious <br />alLexriata.ves s~~er.e d_iscussed :for; the P72SiR1Ylf~' ~7OUSF, 51.'~,UB:t-~.OSlo <br />`i'he i~:~ary kiouse ,~eople 5~~ou].d L:ice concli.tiorxs attached to the use of <br />the ~~.roperty ixz quest:i.on so thai 'they c~xi enjoy the:ir pro~er.ty rnore <br /><~uaetly. `t'hey z~rou:Ld :Li.ize cozlt,rol over ihe rausic ~t thc; hocice;y r:Lntc, <br />i,he Yzours oi o~erati.on9 the I.a.~hta.zz~9 arzd a.dult supervision, <br />~'Yae 1ad:i.eso first choicF would be that the Oity rernove ~the =~~~,rraiz~; <br />house ancl slca,t,iri~ x•in6t, '1'heir second choice xaou:ld be to leuse the <br />~ro~er'ty 'to the City on a m.uLti-yeas :LesLSe .a:~th rexie~ra.a. aC tkieir <br />op~;ion fronA ~bime to ti,me. <br />`1'kie t?ttor.ney sta:te~i tnal; the City~ , S:i..rst ckxoice .fo.r 8. SO-LUi;iOXA to <br />tile ~x•ob:Lenz caou:Ld be to purckaase the ~:roperty a:t a f'aa_r pricea ihe <br />~i;i;oszae~ statecl tha.l; a, writte,n ~gr~erac~n.t eoulcl be c3rawn up al.osig <br />wa~h tkte sale of' trie property ro~;arcling eosa'Lr.o]. oS the use o:E 'ch~ <br />~~ropex~ty and the acti.v:Lties on the prel~a:ises, Oi,hcr o~~ta.ons of' tk~e <br />C:i:ty~s n~ould br~ to move o£:f thP prope.ri;y~, ne~;otiato a ag~reen~ezrty <br />o.r condernn the ,~roy~erty, <br />Th~ ~1~;torney suggostecl Lhat the Cour~ci.:l deterrnine b~~e *rray 1:he City <br />wa.rzts to go, 7.'he t1t'tornoy a.Lso st;a.t,ed iYaat 1.f' the Councz.l opts Sor <br />the _Lease acreernent9 the Council shou].d determine the a~nount oF <br />nzozaey the Ca.ty c~olilcJ pa,y i'ox• the leaseo <br />Pa~;e m10-- <br />