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i~iliVU`l7_.i <br />Caty Counci.l <br />~3ekrtexabo:c 23, 1>F31 <br />t~ir, rorsber~; su~;~FStec] tkiat tkAe City r.evi.eti~~ tikxe ea.seiuc;nt a.gx•eeraes~t <br />ihat the i~d~~:t~r SJorics }ia,s on 1;kie ~~rcrpertyo Forsbc;rg :fel.t tha't che <br />caseanen.t rna€;nt cover tlie CityPS use o£ the pro~~ertyo <br />'Ihc ~~~tor~aoy £e1t that t:no 'sJ~~ter ~riorks easomeai~t woul.d be f'or, ~rda~ber <br />Vlo.rks o_se only, `i'he .fltl;orraey ;>t~ted that ea.sernents tiLwa.ys clefine <br />the use of l;he ~xo~erty, <br />t'ir, Iahey sugge>ted that bha l~tcorne,y shou:l.€l looit irzto the ~;ia.ter. <br />uJorits caseraent on the properf;y, ilr, t.~'ahey in:formecl the Counca:L <br />i;hat k~e s~~oxe a~ith t~Ix~, l;iJ.las, the Pti~.x~y F~ouseos tenasi~; near the <br />hoclcey rin,c, arzd ~lr, Gi.:Ldis indicated to him the situation <br />couJd be resolved witYz sorne ~ol_icing o~ the area, i~Lr, Gill:ls <br />had previously *aritten a:Letter com~:l.a,inang abaut txze activities <br />a:t tY~e s~catizig area, t~ir, P~~hF~' also sta~ted that ~ro C,ill:is ~uas <br />~ri~~ixig• to r~zeet z•rith tl~e riary lIouse ~>eople .re~ar.ditz~; tkae situation, <br />t~lr, Cody, the t%lary Ilouse represent~.~ivep a.p~eared befare the Council, <br />i~ir, Code in~'orraed l;he Council that tkie 1a, a.t i~aary Etouse zaould like <br />to ~e~; their title to the ~xoper.ty str~a.~;htened out, '.l'hey a,re a.~so <br />coricerz~ed that tb.E;y will be ~aying t,a.xes orz the caasra:ing h.ouse, <br />1ar, i~akiey indaca:ted to t~ir, Cody that the City, too9 *,rould lake to <br />~;et this s_it,uati.on strai;;htened uu~. 'I'he City fee:l.s tha;t it can <br />monicor l;he a.ctivi.ties at the s1c~,ti.z~~ riszk, <br />Avix, 1~'ahey felt the Ci_ty should ta].k to the lacl`~es tilong the lines <br />of buy:tng l;Yxe ~ro~erty, <br />A~'ir. Cody i.ndica.ted that if the sold the,property~ they caoul.d <br />:l.oose corzt.rol, 4~lith tkxe ag.reement9 tYze ladies would st_i7.1 hive <br />sorne contr.~ol, <br />i-lr, P'a,hEy stated tha.t iF the City leases the pro~erty9 i.t shoua.d be <br />for a nornirza.l sum as the property is of' a1o use co isi~r.y fiousee <br />'i'he Attorney sta.ted that i{' h,.he C:i~y bough:t tkae prope.ri:y, restrictioxis <br />could be k~_iaced in the deed regardin~ thF City+s use of the property, <br />`i'h<;se x~est.rict~.ons couLd "be placed on the k~rope.rty ~'o.r 25 or 30 yea,.rs, <br />A~i.r. F~ahey su~;ges'ted ~.ha,'c anoLher meetisag be set up oaith tne ladi.es9 <br />i°ir, Cody9 th.f; City' ~ltborney az~d h3.mse1£ to d:iscuss tiae matter., <br />i'ark Sl;reet 'I'tae City elttorne,y reported tkaat the C_~'ty Fngirieer has :Looked a:t the <br />ISa.e~enxE;xits 1'ari~ :itxeet uro~ect a.xzd has come ux~ a, i~ray to cha.nge thc a.~l..;.gzunent <br />oz Ya.rk Street so ~nat axz easeiaent wa.:LJ. not bo necess~x°y a°rora ~~Ir, <br />~xidc:r. son> `.Ckze roa,d 4J1.J.] ~p~ , O as to ta'.~e <z la t'ble rnor. ~ oi :P~;r, <br />Jolanson~s pro~>exLy a.x~d aulr, CoxiS•r~yos atzd z~Ir, ~3ehr9s f:~roperty, <br />i'~lr. Coszti~ra,y and r4.r, P,ehr have ~~;reed to give thc City a.n additiona:L <br />20 feet, The orzl.y sti~ulation ihat these gentl.ernen havc a.sked for. <br />is ii by ~;a.ving tkze Cit,y ~kzis c:xtra ;pr.o~~er.ty ariy o~ 'f;he:ix~ <br />lots below the rec~uired squr~xe ieet to meet City Code9 they *.aouZd <br />t.ike 1;o be given ~ra.riances 1'or these l.otsa 2Yie iitCorney sta:tecl th~zt <br />l.k' any~ o:P the 1.ots are os:E at a.11 i~t is only 'by a, cou~:Le hnndxed <br />sc~u~,re feE:t< <br />k'~~;e -1:1.- <br />