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09-23-81 Council Minutes
City Council Meeting Minutes
09-23-81 Council Minutes
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il:li~t(7TL''S <br />Ci. ty Council <br />Sep~ternbex• 23y 1.981 <br />I4rs, Scalze stated tha~ there is ~,rorlc iz~ the City+s parks i;hai; could <br />~e doxze by Utility De~artrnent ,~exsoaixiel, x~j~~o Z~'orsbexg a~;•reed tha;t tkze <br />U'ti:.lity De~artraent could he1~~ out somewhat i~ the ~arks, :i7x~s, <br />Nardini ;;uggested that tkzis a.s sometkiirig tkzaf; slzould be considered <br />£ox• next sumrner, <br />i~layor Flasison indica'ted that he was not in .favox• oi putting a cap <br />on tl~e City em~~loyr:es+ sick J.eave. <br />~aiz~s, Nard_ini ex~>ressed concexn wa.'ch thc 10% :figure for s,.~lary i~creases <br />in v~.e~a of the City9s Stiznding situa.ti.on. ~9r.. I'ahey pointed ouL f;ha:t <br />the sala.rtes a,re a~xetty sniaJ.1 percentage of the C:ityo e> overa:ll bud~et, <br />ieiayox• IIarz;,on ;;ta.~ed that the City kaas deda.cated e.n~loyees and the C:Lty <br />skaould treat thern fairly, IIanson statecl th~.t the City em~~:loyees deserve <br />the Counca.J.'s su~~porta <br />i~Ar, I~'~hey sug~;estecl that tYie Councilrnembers study Pi_is ~•rage pro~osal, <br />`.l'he City~s bud~;et meeting is scheduled for 'vJeclxiesclay9 Segternber 3p. <br />12amsey 'I'he CS.Ly Gler~ -reported tha;t i;kie ,tarnsey County I,eague rneeticzg that <br />County is sch.Fduled on uepternbe.r ?_) in .Idortl~ St. s'aul is a, ve.ry iaapo:ctant <br />7;eague mee~ing, <br />Ca.ty Uarage iYr, F'orsbexg repor'ted tkia~ kae has a request £rora the Sctaool I)istr.a.ct <br />to use a portion of ttie City G~:,.rage 3'or sl,oz•in~; equip~rGeraL dux~:lr;g• the <br />5,r'~zit;e.r ;norztczs. <br />Atogex~ G:I.a.nzer stated that Paa.s onl.y concern w~s ~~ith any J.S.abi7._i.ty the <br />City mi.ght a.ncur .for tkxe Sehoo:L D`~strict~ s equipanent, <br />Nir, l~'orsberg stated that the ~chool ~istrict orould incux• aJ.l lia,bil.:ity <br />S'or the equipmerzt, Tkae Ca ty Clerk statecl that the Sckzoo:l I)istric t <br />shoul~l nanze the Cit;y as an :lrisured on i ts insur~~nce policy, <br />A°lrs, Sca_lze sta,ted that; she iaou].d not iarant to see the Cityo s operation <br />hixadered by the £3chool :D~istrictos e<~u:i.prnent bein~; stored :i.n the ga.ra~;e, <br />Forsber~ stated i;hat the equi.k~ment would be ~>laced t-ahateve.r way sxece>sar,y- <br />so as not to ha.nder the City9s operatiori, <br />i~ix, Fakiey sca:(;ed tYAe,tit as long as the City does ziot suffer becauee oi i.t9 <br />he ;is in ~'avor of' letting the .,choo:l a7istx•:i.ct use a~~o:rtioxz o1' the <br />~ arag~; tor. stor~~ee <br />Adjournine l~irs, A)ard:Lxii in'troduced Lhe fo1l.o~rrin~; resolut:ion and moved ~.(;s ado~tion; <br />Et~i;SO:GU'I'~:oIV ~i0. SJ_..9,,,Lt95 °~ ~~DJOOhN:C[vG <br />s'a~;e n:L9_ <br />
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