i i:lii U'i' i:;~>
<br />G ~~t~ Couric i.:L
<br />~;epteniber 2l, 1)iil
<br />t-'lr, k'aliey indicctited tha'~ in pu~P,tin~; together t~~e ~aage .Aackage, he
<br />sttidzed tiae wagES tYi~3,t obY~er oil,ie~ o~: sa.ma.la_r size ~o L~..ttle C~z~~.da
<br />are ~~ayinP trie i.r f'u1:1-tirne crnpl.oyees, ikie wages tlzat Fahey ~.s
<br />px•opo;~ing ~s°e oa~ea on $ilis i.n£orma~t,i.on,
<br />i>irs< iVa,rciiria. did nc~t s•r~nt to a.ci ozz 'the 1982 wage, at tonigkrf;o;;
<br />meetint as she ciid no~F~ have tkze: iri£ormata_on pr:ior $o ihE znee~t:ing
<br />so ~l~at she nai~h'i, study :tt,
<br />fflr, k~°orsbc:c~ statFd cha:b it vras tiis ux~dF.rstandirig tY~a.t i,zae Council
<br />could rneet in a closed-door session to discuss ~aag;es. `i'ne Ca.ty i:t~orney
<br />stated tr~at tiAe CounciJ_ cou~c~ onlf ineet in a. closed-~door sessa.on ozz
<br />~~a,~es if' a.t c•ras a colleci;ive b~~.rgaiziizag sessiosz witYa urzions, Thi.s
<br />is tiot Che c~se zaitti the Cit~.
<br />l~'aYzey Pelt tha,t the Ci.ty s~~as on. t~x•get vri.tYz tlze sda.~;es it is z~a:y:i.ng
<br />~.ts eu~ploy'ees, S~~hef a.lso stated ttxai t:rie overall rnetro averaga
<br />f'or wa,~es ie u~~ 10{ ovor lasb year,
<br />i~is•s, Nazdi.xxi fe.l.t tkx~t wkiezz tb.e Cii,y ~..s tal:tin~ a.bout ealax~ies9 bexieii.ts
<br />should a,:lso be considereci, P'zXiey ;;ta:t,ed tAZat in. his ex~eriecace9 Uenei'ats
<br />are not corn~ubed as a. part oF ;;a:lary, t~iayor FTanson agreed, Hazison
<br />staced trzat 'oenePits axe considered a irin~;eo 1'C a.s ck~e ba,se salar.y
<br />that is usually dascussed, e.r,aius~~ve of' the :f.ringe,
<br />i~'akiey etated that he i.s ziot pro~osing any increase izA thr bexie~'1ts
<br />o:f Ci~by E~nzploye,es, He ~.s proposing that ~Ch~ vaca:tion policy o1' the
<br />City~ be ckz~nged so ~thai an emp]oyoe ~ets a f'our~tiz woek oi' a~acatiorz
<br />after ~L5 yeax•s of service rathe.r, thaxz :t0o I~alzey is a.l.so suggestira~
<br />that the Gity ~ut a cap on sic:c le~ve i;hat c,~,n be accurau:La~ted bg a,n
<br />ern~luyee,
<br />i~lrs. Scalze 1'eli; that; ttze only tanc> benef'its apply i.s zaxien ckie City
<br />is consa.dering putti.ng someone on tb.e pa,yrol_L full-tirne ve.rsus pax~tatiraF,
<br />A~ir, I~~~hey sbaied tha.{~ :from torzi.rh~t~~ news~aper he :Cound tha:c ~the cost
<br />of 1_ivii~~; in the i`win Cities is up B,~S% over Last year and the ini'lat:i.on
<br />xate is about B to )%,
<br />l~ir, Fakaey sabauitted to tkie Council ~].isl; out~L9.riin„ the sug~;ested
<br />iracseases for Caty em~].oyees, i~ahey is suggesii.ng an aver~~e oF ~ioont
<br />)~0"/ 1or e2ch. employeea ~9r, f~orsber.g scabed ~61iat; he tiaa~ think:ing mo.re
<br />ixz :Li:i~e r:~:i.tt~ 6ya iz~creases _f'or tkze Uta.lity llepartment p:Lus uniforms,
<br />i~aheJ stated thai tze t,rould not support a.n By~ :£igure, F'ahey po:inted
<br />out that State eni~loyecs received rnore than an f3% inc.rease. c'a~t~ey
<br />sbated tha:b City en~plo;yees should not be as'~ced 'bo accept aza incx~ease
<br />~l~at is belovr i;he rate oa iraiJ.ataon,
<br />i~l'r, N'a.hey also ~~tated LYia,t kia is sugoesting tkaat ovor~tirne be pai.d to
<br />Uai~ llraice a.nd Joe u~eel.e rather than h~vin5 thern taice o£a eora~ time.
<br />i'~irs, Sca:~ze asked if' 'there ~aas exzou~ht work to warrar~t an addi.t:iozza:l.
<br />fu1l..tirne ernpl.oyee izi the Ubili~y Depa.rtrnen.t, I~ar. P'orsbF;rg izzd9.cated
<br />thai there was.
<br />k'a,ge ~18-
<br />