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M:CNUTLS <br />Gity Cauncil <br />Septeanber 239 1~G1 <br />ktie City L~n~S.~aeer suggested t;hat the Counc_il could guL the ses~e:r. <br />line in and cle£er the cost to tixe res't of the prope.rty owa~ers other <br />than A~ir, 1~r.~:t'ta.lone, <br />l~ir;;, Sca l.ze stw'I;ed tha.t a17, the other ~ropex~ty owxier. s an ~he area <br /> senior citizeras ~nd could a1:1 apply f'pr senior citicez~ de_f'e.-crnentso <br />1'he City C1ex~k sta:ted that i~' 95~~ o:E' i;hese ~ssessaaents a,re de:iexredp <br />the C:Lty would have to make lc;vie:, on the assessmeazts, `J.'he C,it,y zail! <br />oaly rrcoup the costs ~,s the property vrii;ki de~'exred assessmexai;s :is <br />sold, <br />A~l~~, i~ahey asked i£ the Cit~ h~as ever denied ~rayone sewex i.xb ~he p~,ta <br />!'he C~ty Clerlc stated tkzat there have beera public heax~i.ngs f'or seoaer <br />izz the ~ast 'chat sorne peo~l.e dicl ~oL wr~nt9 and the C:ity den_ied tize <br />i.mprovemezat, <br />N1rs, :icalze :LnFoxmed :t~lro }Pra,tta.lone tha't he would have a better charace <br />gettir.i~ the impx~overnezit a.f he brought izz a petition rec~uesting the <br />iraproven~ent, ti~ader a pe'~ition it only ~akes a 3/5 th9 s vate oi' t,he <br />Gounc:iL to passy and under Council i.nitiation it would take a~/5 thos <br />vote to ~ass, Nfr, I+'xattalone stated that he da.d not thi.xzl; he could <br />~;et a peti.ti.on si~ned by 35/0 oi the property owr~e:.rs9 because the <br />property o~rzzers in the ax~ea do not ~aant the im~rovefne~t, <br />iixo F'akzey asked i£ an att;orovemen~ has bee~a put iz~ or. the request of <br />one ~roperty owries, `.['he ;!;ngirxeer stated that other ~_tties b.a:ve done <br />this whexe it kaas bee~a ~ hardship 57.tU~Lt7OXA> <br />`I'he City CL~rk fi~; tkxat ii' the 9.nipr.ovement ~rent in aind a11 assessments <br />werE deferred wa~;h ttze exceptzon o£ I~ir, :N'xa.t'ta:tone9s9 it wouLd amouxzt <br />to about ;~~.29p00 pex year that the City vrould kzave to ~a.ya :i~]rs, Nardin_i <br />questioned Vrhether the City ~,ras in a, fixiazzcial posit9.on to uxzdertaice <br />this, <br />AYirs, Scalce suggested th~tG a feasibility report be called for be:Fore <br />the Council calls for a pub:lic on the rnatter., P~ixm 1~'~kbey <br />coxnniented that the City kxaows the impxoveraent is fea,s9.ble9 ~nd tkxe City <br />should ~ust call Sor a public hearin~ witk~out the :feasibility repor.t, <br />`.ihe 1~,ngzneer. sta'ted tkae,t he should run ~x~ofiles ~n the pxoposed <br />iznprovemente J~he Cil;y C:Lerk sta,tecl tha.t these ~xo£a.les are ~ part oz <br />the Ceasiba.el.ity repor't, <br />:vlrs. Sca].ze introduced thc following resolut5on a.nd raoved its adoptiono <br />kttiSOLUI'IO1V NOe 61~9-.1a81~ ~. 1iV"S`LFtUCTING TITE C:L7'Y E;NC,II4E1„i~t <br />A'0 ~F~:Pklktis A F1sA4iI~31lilT`Y: ktGPOR`[' FO~Z u73[~1Z;~Z P'~t0:i~i AtiI,k,iV `.CC <br />COUN~'~'Z' FtOAD D ON 7'kSF YRO~'OST1) 1JLSOTO S``t~ <br />`l.'he :~oregoing reso.LuLaon was du~.y secozxdecl by I~ir, S''ahefe <br />aayes (3) Scalze9 F'orsber~;~ Ha.nson, <br />iJa,yes (2 ) Z~ ~hey9 Nard=ixxi, <br />tte;,olution d~ca.a,sed adopted, <br />Thi.s xesolutipn a, iza Resolut3,on Book ido< 79 322e <br /> -~6~ <br />