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f~:tINUx':ISS <br />City Counci:t <br />Septernbex~ 7_3, :L981. <br />Chasige 1:n A:x~, ~,~.x:ry l~ee of Yor.kton. ~,zclo app~a~ed before tkze Council reques'~i_xig <br />Interest ~,~>pxova7. ot a resolution srou].c] .re£lect a change in the a.n:l;erest <br />Itate ~~ox~ x~,~e to be ciaargeci under the andustrial revenue bond i'or Yorkton <br />Yoc•i~ton, indus{;xial bu:ilding C, The iraterest rate wou7,d be chan~ed '~.rora 1.p 1/1y~~ <br />..~.xiC~UB~Pl^a~. 'GO ~..,~`'/oo <br />Revenus <br />~3orzd 1'-lr, Ii~,nson izztroduced the 1'olLo~~inp resolui_ion and move~d its ado~~tiono <br />li:[`+i0LU1'I0.[d 1~0< ~1~•~^~tfij ~» AU.LiIQR1`./,I1~fCi 1"~{i? 1;aX},;CUTIOP:~ <br />t1i~J) 7Ji?Z;~V1skZX OP' .~l~~u;tiDA1BM'1' iVO, 1 TU 'I'iiE; :~j2j,000 <br />COi~u~ilS1tC111L D1i~Vi:.LOk'r~i;NT x~~hivUt~; i~0`t't; OF 1)~i0 (Y07:ti~`i'OIJ <br />Tid~USakZIAT~ Bi7TL'DING C YROJ'liCi^) <br />i:'he i'oregoing resolution :•ras duly secoxtded by Nax~s, Ivardir~.i, <br />fayes (5) tlanson' Tlard:ini~ I~EChey, I'o.rsberg' Scfl:Lze, <br />IVayes (U), <br />IZeso].ut9.ozi decl.are:d adopted. <br />ihis resolut_ion ap~~ea.r.s in :Resolution i3ook IVo, `79 :Pa~es 3?2 a.nd 323, <br />Gagzze 1'k~e City Clerk re~orted that he kias received no reply £r.ora a~ir, C.~gne <br />P~aaiter the :Letter he serit inforrning :i-irm Gagne cha't kze needed a <br />oonditional use pernxit For tkie construc~tion of axi addi'caona.~~. gar~a~;'e <br />ozz txis propexty, <br />I°irs, Scalze asked if. A~ir< Gagne was st9.:11. bui:Ldin; the ~;arage, !'li~ <br />Ci.ty C~erlc in£oxrned i~ars. ScaJ.ze tnat lae did xiot kxzonl ~Jhethe:r cons~.ruct:f.on <br />kiud cozxtinuecl, <br />'Phe C-it,y ~ttor.ney aslced i.f the lettex~ urent certifa.ed maa.Z, `.Che City <br />Cler.~ rep].:Led that it h~d not, The City klttorn.ey poir~Led out ~:hcat ~h.e <br />Cit~l Clerkis lettex is dated ue~tenibc;r. lf~' a.nd it may Ue too c;a.xly to <br />tel.l ii i~ir, Gagne caill conAply *o~itl~ the r~:quir.~E;raents outlincd in the <br />lette.r, The ~~l;tox•ney suggested ~hat tr.te i;ourxci.l could set <~, date .for <br />corap_L_ia.n.ce9 a.nd i:E the co.~izplia.xzce :is not donc;9 the C:i.ty cou;ld cite i-ir. m <br />Ga.gxae , <br />tir, Fa.hey su~;gestt~d tkzat both thF Gagne ancl DeBa,ce matters b~~ 'bu.rn.~d <br />over to the Cz'ty .tlttor.ney, <br />ali.r., .t'ahc:y <~siced i.i the Cii;y could cozapEl i~tra Ga~r,ne to x~eniove ~ar.a~re <br />or iF' this ~roulcl h~ve to be ox~dered by a court, 'Che xlLtorney st~ted <br />th.a:t a, cou:rt would have ~to order 'tha.s, <br />i~lra P'ahey stat~d tb.a:b the City cai:l:L have to x~r.ov~ ihat air, (3agne <br />con.tir.ztaed o~art~ on tlze ~ax~agoo l,r.s, pointed oub that the <br />G:ity ~as a r,opy oi' the xegistered letter sen't by the lnspector <br />ordering i~ir, Gagne to cease coxx~tructiozz c~x~ t,kae gax°~age:, <br />~l;.e :`~ttorney also pointed out that this is the type o.f case wher.e there <br />is a contiaauaxag vi.olation9 and therefore any £ine cha,rged by a court <br />would continue to mu.iii~ay as .~ong as ~ne v:~osac:~oxa A~ sciaa. ~s~esent. <br />:Nage -7- <br />