<br />Ca-ty Cousaci].
<br />September 23, 19II~.
<br />l~r, 'r'ahey st~ted that the uai~olF raat~e.r cou]_d be resolved if I~Lr,
<br />Gagne woul.d just a~>pear before the Couaacil, P~ahey a,].so stated tkzat
<br />i"Ir, C}agn.e and PAx•, lle~;tac~ bot'r.i tza,ve ~l;o be tree,ted t;he sana~ ~in th:is
<br />ma~uter,
<br />ahrs, zuax~d:Lni poanteG oul: tlzat the Gexgne propex~,y ~rra.s xezo.r.ecl9 =~~.rd
<br />l'''.X'o ~i8.~~k7,e VIO..I.EI.-~EC~ ~L~":f) COri(1:1~;:lOY1S OI' "f:'fl(; r,'-;%OTi:A.YI(;,
<br />a~ix~, F~ai~ey~ sta.t~d tha~t ~the C:~ty could put a r.~es'craotion on 'r..i:15 abstr~.cc
<br />tha;t l.ie not deve7.op hi.s A:>x~opc:x°tyo
<br />iiz~, iCasasoxi i~~;roduced tho Eollo~r~ng rE:soltrC:i.on anc9 rnoved :i:ts ~do~rb:ione
<br />illi~`.iU.~~tl`I_'.I.(i.~i 1~Uo ~,1,-•~~-~.jC3G -~ ..~A~1~7`~~kZ~(i`.l'Z.A~~.i '.~'ili. CJ..'.1".(
<br />4>TTGRidE(I '.['0(~ t'O().I.~.C,/Ot/ti~/ Ui 01\ `C"tl'u GI1G7'dli; i~1~1'I.".CISiZ "iil`i'lI
<br />{'A ~A:.r.~~ f A:~A~ ~.~ V ~~~SLO lAt\ll~.~li
<br />'I'he Fox~e~oing r.esolu~t_ion nxa;, ciu:Ly soconded b~y .i~;r.s, 1tia'r.din~ia
<br />~y~es (5) J.Ias~sozz9 Vardi:ai9 I'ahe;y~~, I'orsberg9 Sr,z7.zee
<br />AVa.yes (0),
<br />itesol.u~i.osadec).ared adopte:cl,
<br />`i'~is resolui;a.o1~ a~peaxs in tiesoJ.utioxi ~3oola I~io, 79 Page 323<
<br />Gpezi ktouse i~Ar, 1,ar.ry Lee appc;ared be:Core tkae Coun.r,il. and izivited l;he raerripc:r;; o:,:
<br />~~~ -~'~~zE~'gy tize Council arid tkae: Ca.ty ~tisorney arxd City 7~n~ineex• to an Operz Hou.ss
<br />aki.ed on September 28 at tl~e 1,rioz^g;~ Sned buil.disi~,
<br />De~ace the Cicy ~lii,oxraey :i.xifor;nod the Council tkaat ~Tx, 7)e~3~~ce had contacted
<br />i~ia.tter him 're~;ardazag the oxd_iziance tY~at ~overns the :nwiaber o£ ga.rages tha:t
<br />are a:l~.oc•red on a pxoperty, The ~ttorney ra:i.secl certain questions
<br />regaxdirig the i.nt~rZ:~retation o£ tti_is ox~ainance,
<br />_Ct w~.s tYze coxicenuus of the Council ~Lha~t ~the ordizzance cras c1.ea..r
<br />tl~at a, coxzdi.tioxzaL use permi.t i.s rcqu:i..red for a ~econd ga,ra~;eo
<br />i'-IrS. :icalze poirxted out the the City 1'lanner ha.;; a1;;o 5.ndicat~d tha.t;
<br />:z coxzdal;ioxza,:l use ~erma.t is required £or a second garagea
<br />I~';r, k'ox•sbexg :indi<;a.ted that i•1r, Cei3ace taa,s subrnitted t~ letl;er to the
<br />Council statS.n~; that he uses his Z>x~esent garage For stoxage pur~osesm
<br />i~lrs, ScaLze ind~l.cated tha't the 1'].anne.r p-revious].y in~'or~mecl tkae Councal
<br />that anything rai~;h a gasage doox on it is conside-red a gaxage,
<br />i°Ar. I~ataey emk~kiasized 'to the Council that the Council canrzot trcat
<br />~Iessrs, Gagne and Uet;ace di£ferently in tkzis maLtero i~Ir. t+'ahey
<br />stated tizat ziei.ther geratleman t~rould ~robably have cli~'Ficull;y raeet,ing
<br />the requiremen~;s i'or a conditiorAal use ~~erxnit, lt is just ttzat bo'th
<br />of thei« ha:ve rnade uy thei.r rru.nds t.hat they are raot going 'to ~zppl,y
<br />£or Lhese ~erntits,
<br />i4x~s, IVard3.ni statecl th~ i; :ii; seems 'that the ~;Z00 fee is the biE;
<br />han~.-up with both parties, Nard:an~ sta'ted that the Counci:L xnust
<br />have control over bua.lding ~hat :is done in the Cit,y, iVard'~n:i stated
<br />tih~,t tkze Couxici:L shoulcl n.ot be doing at~;ythia~g special for a.t~yone>
<br />pag~ ~£3w
<br />