.t°t.l.b:Ja ;S OI'' '_A.~ .':'~;i;.l L u;':;'.i'J.i`<G
<br />G):':Y. COU.NC ~:i=,
<br />L.i".`.i.i.,il: (;h.i'~I~1J)kL~ ~.,~,ittiid~GZ.iG'1'A;
<br />Septernpex 30~ 1.9f31
<br />t'u.rsuari~ :,o du.e ca_Ll anci not_ice ttzereoi' a sr~ecial ~aeei;izx~; oT' ~lle
<br />Ga.~ty Coux~icil of' thc Ca.ty o~.' L_i.~ctlc C~:nacia, i~;inneso~ta ~aa.s b.~1d on
<br />ine 30th da.y o.%' ;,e.Pie;«be.r, i_9dl :ix~ thr. Council Chanibers o.~ ckze
<br />~:i.l;y Cezxl,e.r located a:L 51~ l,itt:t.e Canad~. ::to~~d in saaci Ci'ty,
<br />`Crze raayox, 11r, x?fly,nond 3lanson, call.ed ihe ~r~eeti.zzr; Co ordEr at 7a3t>
<br />:' t~i, F.k~~d i,he f'o1~.o~ring were ~,t•e:cz.~b rat :roli ca.tl.,
<br />h:u sLLztS d'xLFSEaa'i': i,iayor i~m< ~',yrnond Hanson
<br />Oouzzcilrnan 1~[ix , ;~ii.enae:L P'a~hey
<br />Couzicil~iiari ;~.ir, ilerr~zis ~~ors}~er~
<br />Coutacil~~ornazz i-9r~, {4ugu idax~c9:ixi.i.
<br />Counci]:~~oa'aan Alrs, 'Leoerly ;;caize
<br />F~i,EiO i'xCe~,3::~id'1e C-Ltiy Ca.erit r,r, Jose.Nii CkziebecK
<br />Cii,y !~cto.r.ney A-ir, C:~a,;i,on i'a,:.r~zs
<br />Cor~.sua.cin;; iszzgizaeex~ i~ir> Uonald Car1eJ
<br />Recor.di.ng uecr.•eta.ry ~•;:cs, A;a;thleeza Cf.l.anzer
<br />~ _
<br />i~~iax~g tiouse ;:kzo C.~`~y ;,i,~Corney re,~ox~i;ecl ~i,kza~; l~zE; axia 0<~ui~c~lman 't~e.hey x~zet v!:~~tski che
<br />i~da.es a.t ,.~.ary i~fouse axid theix~ rek~r.esen:taiive Dtr, Chuc,c Cody,
<br />'Fkze k~ttor~ney ia~1'orraed ~the lac;ies a~ thc; rnes'c:ing tha:t ~Ctze Ca.~ty is
<br />ziot inberes~ed ~izs a,nyl;liixi~; but pux~c7aasaxzg the ~rogerty ~'ra~, i~iary
<br />tiouse, t~~ ~au~t~chase pr~ce was no~b di:,ou.>sedy ilo~ureve:c, tize La,d:i.es
<br />~aE;x•e iniox~acd that the C:~t;y .£eels the oszly va~ue o_~ 'th:is ~ro,~erty
<br />is iri tes~ms oi' ~~ha~ts it can do ~'or ~the yaur.g ~c~o~>1s in ~tYze C:i~C;~,
<br />Tlse Attorsiey also sta.ted th~t an agr~er,~e:nt xaus~c be ~aoriced out
<br />wit17 the la.dies ior. the Ci.t~~s coixtrol oz the~ ac'tiviti.es ~:it tkte
<br />sitatiil~; riziic a.rza UFa.rmirAE kzouse, 7.'he k~ossa.pilizy of auctaxig up a
<br />zen,ce wa.s c1iscus ,ed witY~ ~them,
<br />`~h.E~: ~:attorzzcy stated ~bhat he felt the raee~bizxg erided ~witYz ~the City
<br />~eixag ;i.n ~retiy ~;ood sha.pe, 'ihe Attoxx;Ey a.iso s~;a:teci that t~t 1;ne
<br />meetizag he seaa;>ed a sof~Leni.ng o~' A4x~, Codq9 s atti~biade i.n the rrGa:tTe-r. ,
<br />The ktito:c~ney also ixaforraed 1;he Oounc:i.l th~ t kze cias x~eseaA~ched the
<br />records caitkz r~;r;ard to tk.ie easeraent ozi th~ ~x~o.~ex~iy l~ze7.d b;y ~bhe
<br />v~ater 'vlor;cs Deparl;moxzC, :Ct a.p~oaru tha:t an easement i~ra.s coxaderrmed
<br />on the pa,rcel ir~ ~ctobe.r o.i. i92j~ ~n]y ar~ ea~sement wp.s corzdemt2ed,
<br />t~_l;le zaas xto'C t~:cera to the t~ro~exi;y,
<br />Tkze ~ciorx~ey ccr~nnEa~ted {:ha.t Yie :fee.l.s tk~e r~.ropext,y is of very :Lat,tle
<br />va..~ue to ~anyone; buc tkze Ca.ty, be:cause l;he CiLS~ l~tzs an irzterest in it,
<br />klsz otii~;s:Lde ~ucchaser woul.c~ riot oe irii;erested ixa ~tht; pa.x~cel Ueca.use
<br />of tb.e ea.sernent ~bkiat is orz i~b, `Phe City, ~cnE jrJater stiot~~s Depar~Cmen~b
<br />az~.d ivla.ry stouse a.re tkie only one~ that woul<:1 ha.ve any .i.nterest iri bhe
<br />pro~~e.rcy, And the only thank ~thai; r~]ar~y :zotis~ c~i do 7aath tkxe ~ro~erty
<br />is :Looic a t i~t and , z2~y taxe ~ oxi :it.
<br />Dux•~.L~g ~che remainder oa ~this .aeek z~nd next ~aeel, the .~~tornEy azzd l~~~ro
<br />1~ulxey~ w:~:iJ. n~eeb si~~~ain G~ri~l,h the a',a,x;~ t~touse la.dies ~to nec;oL~a'te a~i?.rchase
<br />;>r:ice ozi the property~, `T'kze ~lttorney ~ai.so iel'c the:C the City~ wou.ld r~e
<br />Yti~e ~J_-.
<br />