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i'll.l~! U'i i~:i <br />Gity Couricil. <br />.septernbo-r 309 198J. <br />~aill_i:ng to ez~;;er at~to a.n. a,~;reemerzt *,a i th t~Ta.ry Hotxse _~or c;on~;x•ol oi. tne <br />~ci~,:iv_ttica„ a~t ~Che rinYS th,rough su~~ervisa.ort, coxrtrol 01 rnus=i.c, ~i;irae <br />the r:i~~;c. i.s useacl, lir~7rC'ing, f'er~ce, 7.'kae Atl;oxxaey stated that he would <br />ob~l;a.iia sume ~rices on ~the Fen.ce, Sne ~~tior.zzey~ ;,t,a:becl th~,~ kie <br />inf' liittry ~louse ~Yzai; l;k~c G:i.ty * ~;ive: co'ris~..dex~a.t_ion. to p~:q_ix?~ <br />the ca,res or.i cYie pr.opert;~ tha.t ~ae..r~ p~bi.d by them S'ox~ {;he k~a.s't s_i.:x <br />ye:a_rso ':Phe r,ttorraey i'e-4t thai; tYi:i.s v~oulci be a very snta.ll an~oviit o.(' <br />rnc~nsy a <br />ii~~ t~~ahey~ ,~~:ted ~tkzat he _~rzPo.r.ned txie ~iar.;yr F_ouse lad:i.~5 t,hat l;he ti~~.FZs <br />would be considered a pari oi ~tkze k~urcYiase ~race, and f'ahey `relt tYxa~ <br />the la.<3ie;> .~f;x~eed :aa.~:h t}z:is, i~l:r, .P'ahey also cormn.enteci ~hat ~%;r, t;o':~ <br />::sil.:l..:i.s9 a re:n'ter of th~ ';a,~r;y C:ouse l~d_t.PS, ca:J.led i;i~e,n an.d toLd them <br />tha~b ?zo :fe;1t i;he pro§~a.eras i~e *r~~,s havin~; wil;h ~Gho ~tc~$izig~ rizix c~ou:.Ld <br />bc iaox;~ed ou_t, <br />,~lr< T+ahey f'e7.t th~.C 'bkie ease;raexrh, did nol; inentiosi {shat tlze s~atex~ <br />v+;or;cs had excl.u.:,:i:v~ use of' _~t, an~ therefoxe thi.s vaou.].d be ~, bar.~,a,in:i.r~= <br />~>oin~b :in :f~.vor oi the Uii:y, ~ <br />'~'1'ie .alttar~n.e~,yr disagr,eed tai.~ki i;kti.s, sta~ting tkia~t th~ docun~e.r~ts s~tate th~C <br />~che e~semerxt i.s :E'or the extension of tb.F v~a.tor ~•ro.r~s sy~scem, 7`h~ <br />~.ttor.rzey dic~ zlot re~;:.l chf.s r;ave t}ic `;lr:2cer ~vor..cs De_par.~rzent <br />ihe r:i.ghb i;o ~;r.ant the CitS~ ~~er.nai.ssion to gv_t a wa,rrn:in~; b.oue>e oz~. <br />i;'rze ;.-co~ert~r, <br />Aix~< :I~'<;hc;~ i~zox~~rzed the Couzzcil iha,1; kze h~id i;kie sr~,;:ineer ;staicr~ ou:c f;he <br />~~rope~rty .~i~ yuesi,S.orz, i~;r Co~e ~1oul.d li~rc; ~chat ~bhe p.roperty onl~~ <br />Fr6er~c1 tu 7.0 ieet he,yozid i,kzF Taarr~zin~;, <br />t~ir. o:6'atiey asl~FCi ~tkze Cou~ica.l ior ~,utkzor.:i.~l;y ~tu ~o ba,r,~i< ~nd xiego~tia:Ge <br />~. pu:rcb.ase price v~it}z ti~e J_ad:i.os and to giae tkir;m a 1ei,ter of :Lntoxxt <br />on l~eha._Lt' o:f the Ci:ty~, P"ahey would ~Lso to offer i;?~ze o~tion o:[' <br />oui;t:ing ~2p :a fenc~ on i,l~~e ~roperty ]..ixzc, <br />i~ir T+'a,kiey 1.n£orr~xecl t;'ue Coo.ncil. that Pae would o?:ifc~.r• ]viaxy Nouse ~n <br />anouz~i; a.s 1ow a., possible, I~'~hoy also st~a.ted th~,t i.f' a k~urclza.~e <br />~ricF wa.s r:.~;x~eed upon, ib wou:Ld be contizanezAt u,~on Council app_rova,:l., <br />i~la.~or f~:tanson sta;ted t:hat ~k~e Couric:i.l has not cons~.dered ~t1~ze <br />CasLx~min~ house a.s ~~;olutiori i;o tkze ~~xobleaz, Tk~~ i~ttor.zzef s~~tecl that <br />that would b~ a vex~y cost]y proced.~ire~ ii-rs, Sca.:Lze sta~ed 1;'rza,~ tkiE <br />1:Zec.r.ea;ti.~n D~p~xtmErAi; does not want to cnov~ thE wa:rinix~p 'riouses <br />1'~iro T+~al~ze~y~ conmzexited ~1;ha:i, the piece o:f k?~'o~~~;r~;y ~kzo:b ~chc Gi.~by 4~ould <br />1iFcc to i.s;y 60 f~et bf o00 fe~t, I~1rs, Sca:l.zc; <br />as~ed urhy the CiC~ does not the 70 t'ec;t thal; ~aas or:i.~;inal:Lg <br />thou~;trf; to belong to the CibJ, A'''ur, ~~~ey repliecl tb.a.t M~,ry iiouse <br />Urou:Ld li~ce to sc;11. only 60 E"eot as tllFre i.s a natural bxea.ic _i.n tkie <br />topogra~~~l~zy a~t ~he 60 :Eoc~~, ma:ric, <br />P'l'c. Z+'ahQy ~,..Lso sta;tec1 th~at the Gi.b;y ~hould a6ree to niovE tkie eJ~E~c~;rical <br />bo:i :i.ns:ide the ,,rar.rnixir; house so that the li.ght.> urou.ld not Ue able l:o <br />be ~~urn~;d oz~. a:t trze r. ixi;z frcm outside, This cost az~d tt~e cost o~ tt~e <br />ience nrou.:Ld be in a,c;lditi.on to 'the ,~urchase ~r.a.ce, <br />t'~ge -~2~ <br />