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.l~A~_l~ V ~ .~~I.) <br />L-~.-~'f ~OUk1.C1..~. <br />f3a~rtembes• 309 198~. <br />i+Lx~s, ; caJ,ce i.ntroduced the :~0].1o~r:ing resolut:ion a.zxd moved it,^, a.cloptioz.~e <br />i2Eo01 U`l:']:Gl~; iV0> ~:.t.-.)-~~9ti - llii~iSC`t':tA~G `.t'lir: C1T~: 1.'I'TO1:~(~1.;Y <br />A1ND 3etkto ~G~iL;Y ~iVll l~NYOIdIi: i ~ Slti :.C,'VA~ l~t'~STE;~ 70 i~~il,}sT t~i:CT.~~ <br />7.'i3t~ ii~1t`~: HO'OSFS L.A~:CE:S F1bT1) TO OFN'LR 2'1~I~;i~I ~ r.IJ~; SUC;G aTI:D <br />SU:'1 O:t~' S40l~liY. S~'it11<Ii~1G 0.`~i!~ (i:f~, `PIIT3 :t"t~,'(`i'.F:12 EiU~3tvi1`tTiS_) r3Y i'1I15 <br />C:il C a~~v'G1.iV11~R `y'0 P'URCH!#:3s lh'r. .P:itsCr; 0,~' i'±t~t'j'FtTY i~YZ';~0~_ <br />Ci~tA`a'.;;.LY op 'r'L;FS`~ BY 600 FFliT <br />`['he £o.rego:ing resol.ut:io^ ~~ras du,:l,y ~;econded by P~ir, ?~ahe,y, <br />Ayes (5) Sca,:l.ze~ i+'ahF~~~9 F'or.sbe.rgs ~Vardini9 Ila.nsosz, <br />~~a,y~s (0), <br />ateso:lnt_ion dec~ar.ed adop'bed, <br />`:'lias reso~.ut`~on a,ppe2rs i.n tZesoluu:iorz 13ooi. :tQo, 7~ .Pa~es 330 a.rad 331, <br />S~irsa Scalze stsa.ted that she orvu.ld l.a;ce to b~ a~art o~' the .rneetara~; <br />s,~ith Ghe .ilary (louse ladies, a.nd a.sked i~' t1~is *,,roui.d be J. VLO.Lat;i_on <br />of' ~;he op2n meetin~ L~?vro Tkie Ci~by ~#ttoxney s~tated tihat i..r~ h:is <br />o~.~-ini.oxz it »rould b~ O,~i';, £or. Nlrs, Soalze ~to p~rticipa:te :i:n ~bhe raee'ci~;, <br />-~~~'1< :Cxze Ciby ~ngi.nee;r izifor.rrxed the Council. tkia:b the City toolc, on t}ie <br />Stxeei, Parlr, S~t.ree~; 5.raprov~men:l; on Ju:ly~ 23, 0~ :1u~~ust 12 bhe Ci~ty citi•raxdec7 <br />lzngr. ovemFnt bhe bid on th.;i.s irnprovc;rnent, ~~9.nce th;~ t t:i.rae ttze cozstrac~;or has had <br />~rob7_ems ~ettiz~~ i.nsus•r~.rzce and a bonda <br />'Ctze ~,ng ~~<;er .r. eported tha.i, thE G:c~y r. ece;nt~l.y rc~c~;:i.ved a boxid .P.r. om <br />thP contr.a,c~bor9 hawever, ~f;he ~k~ond is no~t ro~a7.~..d as :~t :~s post-clatecl, <br />Tkie L~,;z~ginee;r sta~ed ~tksat it tb.e recr;s~t act:ioris o~' the contr~.c~or. a,.r~ <br />any indi.c~tior,i ~> ~bo hotiJ ~the ~~roject ti,~a.l7 ~rooec~~d, i.i is his <br />recoiru~nen.d~~bi.on tha~ the C1.~ty rFject tkxo ba_d a,ncl rebid t7ze ~rojec,t, <br />There are ~_L~~ c;xzunges in the proje<;t tkif~:b raould i~ra.rrarat ~his act_ion, <br />CoL~ncia a.s<<eci :1:= the project 5oas .reUid, ii any zaorlc arould be corn~~lcted <br />th:i.s year, '1'he .lttorney re,plied th.e:c t,.t~e saater. a,nc1 sE:rer ~aou.].d stil.l <br />b~ ~nt in this y~ear, but thF ,treet caou:td go in in ].yH2, <br />7'he inh9neer sta,i,ed t.hat there ~aoulc] be l;he possab~_iity tkial; the. <br />coz~~t.ractor Uroulcl sue thF City~ :for .rejecta.nn~ the bi.d, Ilowever, ~ahex~. <br />a coxicract a.s sen1; out to a corxtr<~.ctor9 it usua.ll.;y ta.i~es on1,y three <br />ox four da,ys to g~t the coni;ract bac_z, :I:n ~the case o£ tkz:Ls con~f;ractor <br />_~.b i;oo~ six ~reelzs9 and theri btie con.tra,ctor senb back ran <br />irzvail.ia boxid, <br />Pbe ~,.ctoxxiey stated tha,t in lais expE;-r.ience h.e ht~.s neve'r c~me acr.os,s <br />a~~ost-datecl box~.d, 7he 1lttor.ney recornrae~ded ~thfzt ~the p.roject ~be ,r.eb:i.d <br />clu.e to 'bhE chang;ES :i.n the pro;~ect a.n.d ttie a.ction.s of the contra.ctox~, <br />~°!z'< I'ot^Sber~; statec~ i,ha.t the CitJ kias h~.d sorrae clelay i.n ~; thc <br />xiecessary easeznesxts for ~the x~rojec~t, F~r.bexg stz~;~es~Ced tha,$ pex~haps <br />tl~e C:ity skzou:l.d ~:ive tb.e contractc~r th~ bene.frt o:f. the doubt a:nd <br />xioi; re,~ect tne bido Nir., x~'o.rsberg sta:ted tha.t he could ~undE~s~;azz~? tha:b <br /> the coni;ract;or. ci:i.d saob uran.t to be~,:ixz pr~.yi.n{; :1~renza:u.ras on the <br />borzd u.ntil he actua.L~,y~ ~~t~.rted Ck~.e ti•~ork, a~nd tn~_s w~.s t;he r.e~.sor f'or <br />po,:>~~-dp.t:.i.:ng t.he bon.d, <br />E':tige; - i- <br />