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MZNU~rrs <br />Ci.ty Council <br />June 9, 1982 <br />MGM Land CANADA MALL ADDITION SUBJECT TO <br />I'ill Permit THE ACCEPTANCH OP TEIE CITY P:,NGINEER <br />(Cont.) OP THP GRADING PLAN, 7'EIE DRAINAGE PI,AN <br />AND Tt[E PLAN FOR NES^I CONTOURS <br />'Phe f.oregoing resoluti.on was duly seconded by Mr. PorsUer.g. <br />Ayes (5) Narclini, Porsberg, Ilanson, Scalre, I'ahey. <br />Nayes (0). <br />Resolution declared adopted. <br />This resolution appear.s in Resolution tlook No. 8, Page 263. <br />Lit[l.e Canada N(r.. T~rody requested approval of [he final pLat for Phase I of the <br />Ma11 Addition LitCle Canacla T4a11. <br />L'inal Plat <br />The L.ngineer stated that the grading plan should cover the whoJ.e <br />A~;enda project and not just Phase I. <br />Item No. 8 <br />blr. T~rocly reported that Partnership has received financing <br />£or the entir.e project and will be, the MGM Liquor <br />Sdarehouse first and the rest of the project shortly thereafter, <br />Mr. Sweeney recommencled that the City approve the plat contingent <br />upon his approvalof the title. If there is a probiem with the ab,tract <br />property, the City can be named on the Ti.tle Insurance PoLicy. <br />TSrs. Scalze introduced the following resolution and moved its adopt:ion: <br />I2PSOLUTION N0. 82-6-313 - APPROVINGTH£ PINAL PLAT <br />FOR PHASr I OP TIIP. LITTLP CANADA MALL SUBJPCT TO <br />TFIE ARRAVGEMENT POR TtiIH PAYMENT OF TtIE P9I2K D~DIC9- <br />'LION TP.Is WIQCII WAS PRGVIOUSLY AGRL:~D UPON AND SUS~J}:CT <br />TO TFI~ CITY AT"LORNLY' S APPKOVAL OP TII~ TITLP <br />The fore~oing resolution was duly seconded by Mrs. <br />Ayes (5) Scalze,, Hanson, Pahey~ Porsberg. <br />Nayes (0). <br />Resolution declared adopted. <br />This resolution appears i.n Resolution Aoolc No. 8, Pa~e 264. <br />Ordinance The City Attorney submi.tted [o the Counci.l f.or approval proposed <br />No. 1F37 Or<tinance No. 1£37 dealin~ with rental ha11s and the:ir defini.tion. <br />Agenda Mr. Porsberg introduced the ordinance and moved its adoption: <br />Item No. 13 <br />ORDINANCE N0. 187 - AMIsNDIrIG CHAPTTR 90?_., <br />DtiP'INITIONS, OP TFIE ZONING CODE OF TIIE <br />MUNICIPAL CODP OP' TIIP CITY OP LITTLE CANADA, <br />E3Y ADDING SECTION 121.1, DI:PINING RENTAL HALL <br />Page -9- <br />