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t!I~lU'I')? ; Oi~' '7'7-11i; R7'.C~iILAR Mt?1?'CTi~1G <br />CI'I'Y COiI~1CTL, <br />T I.'f.'l'i.,F, CAi1ADA, N(iNDI'GSOTA <br />July 7_8, 1982 <br />Pur,u~nL to due catl smd noti_ce the~reo[ a regular meeti.n~; of t11e <br />CouncS.1 0,[ Che City of' i.,:itt~l.e Ganada, ^iinnesota ~oas held on the <br />Z~Ch day of. Jul.y, 1982 ~in the Counci.l. G1lambers of che C~itq Cent~ar <br />locnted at S1S i,i.tC1e Canada ;:oad in ~ai.d Ci.ty. <br />Flgenda "{a~o~' R~ymond lf~rison c~:ai.r.ed and call.ed tne meetin}; to orde~~r at <br />lter~ Vo< 1 7:37. P.~4. ancl the Iollorar:i.rig were presen[ at rol.1 call: <br />A~endtl ~iC.`1Tif;Y.S 'PR' SI;P7"C: i4ayor ;r-[r. Raymoncl '~anson <br />Item ~lo, 2 Counci~lmsn Mr. rSichael. T'ahoy <br /> ~"~Ir. Derini.s Forsoerg <br /> Councilwoman "4r.,. Ntugs <br /> Council.~aomr~xn i~Arso Jieverly Sca1.2.e <br /> AL,SO PRES)?N'~'s C1t:y Clerlc i[r. ,Jo>eph Chlebeclc <br /> Qit.y Attorncy I~1r. 'fhomas Sweeney <br /> Consult;i.n„ )s'n~ineez Mr, ~onald Car.l.ey <br /> Recordi.nn Secretary "Qrs. Katlileen GJ.anrer <br />Approval ~Ir. T'a!zeq inclicatecl Chat on page 1J o,f.' the July l4 in:ini.iCes, tfle <br />O.f. 7'he iifth parafraph the mi.nutes should be amend ed so:i th the ~ddt.t-.i.on <br />~{inuCes of the phrase afcer e}ie word "eve nC": "throwi.nY roteen <br /> tomatoes aC pol.i.t~i_c:t.~ns". P~hey also :i.nd:Lc aCed that the ,f.ol7.owing <br />A;enda sentenca should be aidded i:o the. saroe p~ra€;r apt~i: "~1e emphasized <br />Tterr~ Alo. 3 Ch1t tie raasn't agai.nst. a clunlc tanlc type of evenC vd'iich he fel.t <br /> was sa£er ~nd i.n better taste." <br />'~4rs. Nar.dini introduced thc foLlo« resolut~i_on and moved :i.CS adoptiori. <br />RESOLU'CIOD7 N0. £37_-7-36&' - APPR09ING 'CI-(t. ~~SINUTI,S <br />OP TTdf? JiJLV 11~, 7.9~i2 CQUNCIL P1FiT'l'ING 6d.C'C1~i 7'I-Il's <br />OUTI.SN~?D CORREC'CSOPIS <br />'Cl~e f:m-egoin7 rc~sol.uti.on was dulq secondcd by ~1rs. Scalze, <br />,~y.n,, (5) ?'ardi.n:i.. Scalze, I~ahey, F'orsbe~r~;~ ilan,on, <br />Nayes (0). <br />2esoJ_uti.on declared adopt~d, <br />Th~Ls reso7.ution a~;o~azs i.n Resolution ~3oolc Vo, 3, ?la~e 31.H, <br />Ri.ley Gerv~:is T~lir. fl~inson 4ndi_c~Cecl t:hat ehe Count:y i.s requesrtng an ~iddi.tioi~~~17. l0 <br />l.,ake 2nd Adcl. feet of ri.~ht-o£-way on Lhe R:i.7.e~ Gervai, ,La!ce 5econcl <br /> 'Che City Cl.erl< r~oorCed tLiat with Che addit:i.ozia7. 10 .Ce FI. of ri.ohD- <br />A~enda of--m~ay the lo[ts ~ril.l sC:LI). rnecC Code as far as ~quare ;.ooC~irc :Ls <br />TCem Vo. !+ concE:rnecl. <br />M:c< ~i.ndicated that he had no objecCion to the additional <br />ri~;ht-o[-~oay. ICroiss ~indi.cated th~C L,oC 4 nas 65 ferC of r.oacl <br />frontage, but has 75 ,[Eaet of coi.dLh at the 3~ I~oot sef.back line. <br />Paf;e -t- <br />