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id~LMU l7; J <br />CiTy Council <br />:ful.y 2c~, ].931_ <br />I:i1ey Gerv~is ~1rs. Scalze r,zskeci i.t the housc on Lot 3 had an apartmenC. 2Ir. I~ro~iss <br /> 2nd Add< repli.ed Ch~aC i.e d~i_d ancl there is pr.esently someone ].:i.vi_ng :i.n i.L< <br />(ConC.) Scalze i_nqui.r.ed :I.f T~ix~. :intended ori selling tlie 1Partment. <br />i4r. Kroiss repl:i.ed Chat he d~i.d not ~nd the s~i.y;n thaC w<is recent7.q <br />~.i.n t:hr w~i.ndocv oi tlae house condoiniriiums dLd not app7.q <br />Co Chat house, but: wa> ineorrectl.~ usecl in up a eai.nclow< <br />P4rs. Haw':ci.ns appear.e<I before Chc Counc~il. rec;uest~ing chat ct~e Counc2l <br />cons'i.der the impacC ~l'iaC ihe deve].onment. o.f; the proposed LoC 1. <br />~a~i.7.1. '~ave on Ci~i~ lalce. Mrs. flaeaLc;i.ns co~rimenCad Chat ther~ are spots <br />that shout.d riot be b~i.l.t unon and she felt tt~is *.ras one of them, <br />P~Y. ,John Laclaier. a~~>»eared betore the Counc;i.L ?~r. Laclrner f:elx <br />that ttte Counci.l. ,hould dcal with thc Souse a7.reacly on the propechy. <br />Mr, I.acl<nor commented that he gets Che ~irnpress:ion thaC this <br />devel.opment i_s si.mp7.y Eor the sakc o,P puttin~ hous~~s in. f4r. <br />T,,~cl<ner comnientecl thaC when th~ peopl.e in tha area boughC tl~~ei.r. <br />property 25 years ago i~frs. )3runson ~i.n,isCed on 1arp,e lots in order <br />Co prot~cT. her propcrCy. Lackner stated Chat i,:,here ~i, a patCern <br />of lar;e lots i.n the area. <br />;~9r. Don Laclaier appenred. Mr. 'Laclcner stlted that Pie would 1.ik.r-, <br />to ca7.1. CPie Co~mci_].'s atCen[:i.on to hhe. plan for. the Gerva;i.s ;ihores <br />l~dd:i.t:i.on. Tnat plat ori~,inaLly came in wi.Lh 42 proposed l.ots oT: 1.7.,0~0 <br />to 12,000 square f:eee. 'fhe Counc~il. rejectecl [he because of tlte <br />dens~iC~. 'Lhe developers tt,~e.n came b~ck a d-iff.'erent plat <br />cons,i-sti.n~ of 19 lots ~ahic;i cannot bEt si.ibdivi.ded. ;1r. I.,aclaler <br />rec~ueasl.:ed tliat thc Coi.incil rejec.t: Chi.s ~1aC for tlle saine r~~asons. <br />Mr. Clilford 7{i.l~l. sCa'ted thzt he objecCS to the ctevelopment tor <br />the sarne rcasons he ment~ioi~ed aC the last Couxic~it. meet~ing. tefr. <br />C1i.Eford staCed C1~iaC tlie peonl.e of: tize arca have l~i.vecl Cliere for <br />many ~cars ;and bou~ht the~ir. pronert_y based on orhat Chey sti~o. <br />`lr. T'ahey commentee~. that after thc l.asC Counc:i.1. meet~i.n~ t:ie Attorney <br />pr.ova.d,ed C11e w:i.i:.h a rn~mo on thac i.~ndi.cates <br />reasons that a plat can be rejecCed by the Co~.incil c~ven ~if ~iC <br />rneets C:Lt;y Code requ~remenCS. tJndex Section 1005.020 (d)3 :i.t etates <br />that al.l. ne~a suh>di.v:i.sions s)aa].1. be requ'ired Co r.elate well to Chr-. <br />exist.i.nm area. Und~r Sectio~~ 1006.07_0 (n) f.C stntecl chat a subd:iv~i.s:i.on <br />must sho~.a due cegard ;Coc the naGUral f.eatures and topo~rapny that <br />wi.ll 1dd and att:racCivenes; to che proposed deve'Lqpmen[> <br />h!a-. i~ahey stat:.ed tliat ,11~ :i.s onpo,ed to ttiie develo~±nent as he f'eel.s <br />it ckiops up tne 1ot on wh~i_ch ttie home i.s locaCed. P4r. Pah~y sCated <br />thlt Che Cot.tnc~i.1 mu,t be E~ir to Ctie developer and (air. to ttle <br />honieowners who LiavF lived in the area si 7.on; ti.~,ie. <br />Pahey sCUtcd i:hezt he wou;ld not: object t.o a ChaC comb~ined LoCs <br />?_ 1nd '3 and left 1,ots ]. and 4 as shown. i,~`ahey sCated Chat tlie Council <br />must be consi.sCenc to t:he caay Cl~,e ~~roperty around the lake i, <br />developed, T'he Gervai.s 3k~ore, developmenC i., an exce].lent exlmp7.e. <br />Ptine -?- <br />