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Mtrru•rrs or ziir xrcuLnrz ~zrr.~riNc <br />cz1Y couNCZL <br />LITTLE CANADA~ MINNfiSOTA <br />August 11, 1982 <br />Pursuant Co due call and noti,ce thereof a regular meeC:ing of. the <br /> Council of the City of Little Canada, Minnesota was held on the <br /> llth day of August, 1982 in the Council Chambers of the CiCy <br /> Center located at 515 Little Canada Road i.n said City. <br />Agenda Mayor Raymond Hanson chaired and called the meeting to order at <br />Item No. 1 7:30 P.M. and the f.ollowing were present at ro11 ca11: <br />Agenda MEMI3ERS PRFSENT: Mayor Mr. Raymond Hanson <br />Item No. 2 Councilman Mr. Plichael Pahey <br /> Counc:ilman Mr. Dennis Forsberg <br /> Councilwoman Mrs. ^4ugs Nardini <br /> MEMT~ERS A13ST'NT: Counci].woman Mrs. 13everLy Scalze <br /> ALSO I'R~SENT: City Cler.k Mr. Joseph Chlebeclc <br /> Consultinp, Engineer Mr. Donald Carley <br /> Cit.y Attorney Mr. Thomas Sweeney <br /> Recording Secretary Mrs. iCathleen Glanzer <br />Approval Mr. Pahey introduced the f.ol.lowing resolution and moved its adopti.on: <br />Of The <br />Mi.nutes RF;SOLUTION N0. 82-8-399 - <br /> APPROVING Tkiii MINUTES OF T91E <br />A~enda JULY 2F3, 1987_ COUNCIL MEETING <br />Item No. 3 <br /> The foregoin~ resolution was duly seconded by Mr. Porsberg. <br /> Ayes (4) Pahey, Porsberg, klanson, Nardini. <br /> Nayes (0). <br /> Resolution declared adopted. <br /> This resolution appears in Resolution Boolc No. 8, Page 347. <br />R R< S Road At its Ju1y 28, 1982 Council meeting, the Council tabled the R& S <br />Proposal road proposal. <br />Agenda Mr. Fahey introduced the follocoing resoLution and moved i.ts adoption: <br />Item No. 4 <br />RESOLUTION N0. 82-8-400 - <br />t3RINGING 'TIIE R& S ROAD PROPOSAL <br />TO TAT~LE <br />The foregoing resolution was duly sec~nded 4y Mr. ltanson. <br />Ayes (4) Pahey, Hanson, Porsberg, Nardini. <br />Nayes (0). <br />Resolution declared adopted. <br />This resolution appears in Resoluti.on 13oolc No. f3, Page 348. <br />Pa~;e -1- <br />