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MINIJ'I'1?S O)~ 'fI~U3 f3iJDGF?'C Mi?t?T':I:NG <br />CI'CY COUNC7:I, <br />I,ITTt,~i Ct\NADt\, !~.iLN~1FSOT[\ <br />Septembcr 7_9, 1981_ <br />°ursuant co due call and noti.ce Chereof a budgeC meeting o,f. Che <br />Counci.l. of. the Ci.t~ of I,ittl.e Canada, iCinnesota was }leld on tlie <br />29Ch day oL Septemt~er, 1952_ iri the Counc~iJ. Chambers of tl~e Ci.Cy <br /> Center loclted at i15 Li.ttle Canada itoad i_n said City. <br />Agend~ 'Che Mayor, ?%tr< Ra ymond Hanson, the m c;et~.ino and called it <br />~Ctem No< 1 t:o order at 7:30 P.~(. and the fo1l.o~a~i.rig were present at x.~o].1. cal.l: <br />Apenda A4RM73P:RS PRG6ED11': blayor. Nir. Raymond I~tanaon <br />:[i:em No. 2 Councilman Mr. Michael. T'ahey <br /> CounciLman i-ir. Denn~i_s }?orsbers„ (arri.ved 7.:35) <br /> Councilwoman Mr.s. P4uos Nardini <br /> Councilwoman P4rs. $everly Scalze <br />AI,SO YRL;STN'C: Cit~ Cl.erlc Mr. Joseph Cl~ilebFCk <br />City Attorney Mr. 'i'homas Sweeney <br /> Secretary ~(rs. K,athleen C.l.anzer <br />Revenue Tl~ie C,i.ty Clerk reporte~d that tkie City's revenue sharing, bud~;et Eor <br /> 1.933 :is $4~6,f351. T11e Cler.~lc recommended t:h1t th~is money be used for <br />~udget poli.ce protection. <br />Agendm 'I'here was no one ures~nt t:o speaic on thz, issue. <br />Teem No. 3 <br />i`4r. S'ahey i.ntroduced t)~e FoLl.ow:in; resoluti_on amd mov<.:cl its adopt.i.on: <br />RPSOi~iJ'L'I0~ ?V0. 82-9-~s89 - <br />CI.,OSING THP: PUBLIC kIFARI~~G ON <br />Tlll? R;i,VisNUE i'IARTDiG 13lJDGP7' <br />'Che fore,n,oi.n~; resolution cva, dul.y seconded by Mrs., <br />Ayes (5) tahey, Nardini, I.~orsberg, Hanson, ScaJ.ze. <br />Nr:iyes (0). <br />Re> declared adopted. <br />7'hi.s resoli.iti.on appcar.s ;i.^ ResoluY:ion f3oolc Tlo. 8, :Page 433. <br />T2r. Pahey introduced the Eoll.owinQ resoluC~i.on ~nd moved its adopti.on: <br />RP,SOLiJTION P10. 37_-9-4~0 - <br />APPROVING 'CIIL: ]t1:VP;~1tJE SfIAR:[NG <br />T3LIDGET I~! 'L'HI? AitOIINT OP ~46,f351 <br />~~ID DESIGN~TTNG TiIE MOP]}?Y 1'0 IIF; <br />USi;D ~E01,2 POI.,ICIi PROT13C7'~ION <br />Pa;e -1- <br />