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;~;l.i\~li'f~;"i <br />City counc:i.l <br />Oce. 27, 1~';2 <br />`iuellcr <br />Proposal <br />(ConC.) <br />fi`7~. -1.2i'dini ~tz~~~ucec! tue foll.o~'n;~ rer~ol.uti_on and movee. i.ts ~uopiion: <br />':T,'~O11IT~.CO~! ~t0. ?>2-1.0 5!s3 - FlP~ :i1PIn~C <br />!'!IR ' f(r 6 rA .9D~ PB')i ~ S`>IOP~~f '~n1C <br />"'J'?~.f~ '°C 'r'0 i'i! ~tiCO» 1` :1D,~T"I_~'i 0~~ ,I••.tE <br />C;~l'rY " V~„75~R C,0V "P L', .~ i.:i }l~l > "rn~~~,J, <br />i)p~r~•,P ~('f(113i?R L~ t~3£~? ~^;D SlJ'J'C'f T'fl P7IP. <br />':~'~VI7'! 0' Tfl ' n^ql~lA' ;', Y1Y "I'F, i CT'CV ~~ v(~~i ~;;R <br />n~3D I~ , r ~Z:,t:CR 1~ 7 O1f ~(' I, r)1.>> „S`; [~' t)r •P~, ~; . <br />"2p1'('~"CY PY 11~;, ^)"[•p ~i rr~,:A"'Y /~I~IP, i)' C~ A 7_Dl'i; <br />f"aT ;o [tttILU7~~r "G?p r,`P SI-inf.l dE ZS'itJl'.D <br />ll+4T7:1 ~ '~~ST~~ ' ~)lr~ ~r,ar V'^S A".1 fi~.;, <br /> Eorr~~ o'n~; re.;o7.ut:,ion ~aa, dul.}+ [<econdrd by Pft i':ihey. <br />!~}es (5) ~~tr~l?.ni., Fahey, 'lanson, ..,or>h~~i.,, <br />~aayes (0), <br />?csoli~.ti.nn dec;Lared <idopted. <br />'Ih-..s resol.uC.iori i~pears i.n ~tcsoluti.ori liou':c ?~lo. `, ',i~c 4ft7. <br />'I'~~o,:oaghfairc rr_. I~anson openec~ t'~r=. publi.c hearing on Che propused vacaci.on of ~he <br />^lan Ret:car.u~-u t'ioroii~hf irr n',lan ~x t:weE~n Veincter~ec and ~;cl~,er~on SCreaCS. `-7r. 7lanson <br />Pigerton Cnci in`.or!ned C?te Co~mc ~[1. thaC Ciiis plan ~oas a~'opted .;omettime it~i t,_he t9fi0's <br />V,nul~rb~e ar,d ~oa, n concrpl ide-a oF 'i~~a L~.ha Cf.ty lhou;;hl l lic~r'c n,ay x:~ need <br /> Eor or, d<Sire f.or a roeu~ 'i~ t.'he ~ut~~re. <br />%~t i?2nson ex_nlain~d Ch_tt a nropert:y o~aner fron~i.n; on [~';or¢~ Rottd <br />would t~i!cc to <l~ivi~le her riopert~. 'Phi.s part~ wonlri h~vvz Co ;~i_ve up <br />]~md i.n order to :zccomp'I.,sh roi_th t:h,. t_ist n~ et~oroti l~ifar.e pl.;a~n. <br />.'7nera~Poi'~, '.t ^ia> ;~~t iCi_c>ne'i tnai: the p'l.ari b~~ v c.<aCeri, <br />'~_nnson exola-incd Chat anyli.rne i_he Ci_f.y r~~ce~(ves zi pet;.C.-on ;s'igne,rl b_~ <br />3>'/„ oi. C~u~ propert-y o~aners i.nvplve~l, it musC c.s11 For a ~~iabli.c <br />"r ('.,~nson i~iced urh~C th~ ;;~nerxl concr~~n,us of tne pro~~~crty owners <br />i n tl~ct arPZl ,,.:e. , <br />Pti .,. ~!eariy ~ppearod b<~foi e I:.~~e (;o~anci.l and nske~~ i E CI~e pi.onosed <br />ro;ad coould come fr_'o~n Che 'd,~erC~n [>roperty comp'LeCe1y or t~~.xt:ially <br />ixorn CPie VanderbFe propr:~rty ~ts wc~1.1., <br />Hanso,t sLat-.ed t~~e~t i.t-. :ap~>;,ars ~ roni too! eC tnc ma~~> C'iat tne <br />ro~d taoti1~l come m~:Ln1y f_x'om the I~:~;c:rton properly except. f'~r <br />~i fe~o Vanderbee >i opert:ies 'tocal r.d near T.,a~ore noad. 7 he, ','].e.rlc <br />rcplicd t,~at C1~e.rn are C'iree VancL~rb~e ,>roi~erl~.-i_~s Chat ~.~ou7-d be <br />~f (ccCrd +nd thc re st would be 1<<;erC.on ,~ro;' <br />'~'~e cl.crt<. also cc~ument.e,d thaC Chc, uto i;hoc~s; a 50 Eoot x~ !it--o'--waq. <br />' x flaizson staCecl that ci~e ~^,i.t9 nis rec~nt ly est.atb]_i.sne•d a pol?_cy <br />9E Sp ioot ~ri.7;ht-nf._saeiys. <br />pay,e _..[r- <br />