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! r~~~~ rr.s <br />cir.y counctt <br />OcC. 27, l93) <br />'Lhaox'ou~llfttre <br />'P1an (Cont.) <br />ti1i s. Sc~lzo aslcecl cvi~y t;n~~r~ r,tts ai _jo~, ia t.hc pro~osnd ro-icl. 't'h~, <br />Clr.rlc re,~1i_~~d Ch~il therc n~s a house ~i.n ~uay 2nrt thaC Taas I.he <br />rc.aso~n ~or the j~°> 'I'lte C1cr',< cannented tiiat t.h~re is thc .a~,ie <br />>iCUaC~i_pn norf_h of .~1,1en ~veen~e. <br />^4r. T'ahe.y st~ted ~haC i.he prono>a7. di.d not. loolc f<~asible Co him <br />b~..~.ause ~` [~ie si_tuaC:i.on nort_h of A11.en Ave.nue> <br />F~~~r~s. Neamy ~skecl who ~oou7.d pay assc~sment.5 foc ihe e'oad shotald <br />~o t.k~r,ro~a~>>. '~4r. Harison r~~pl.i.ed t~~-it tl~~e >eneral. rul.e i.s tiiat i_f <br />a~~rone~rt;.~ n~; s?~owii to b~ '~nnef'Ced by t-l~c~ ~imZ~r_ovement, ~i.t <br />woi~td ~ay a~ri ass<-ts ;rnent. <br />Pdi ~:~~hry St nted t Ii3C when Che i_s t zl.!cin~ about a 50 Eoo[. <br />r~.; it-~ol-a~y, 'i_t A. Leilki~~~ ahout ~ 7.!f ioot: r~ad nat. ^~r, Pahey <br />stnt~~d that h~ na, I'~~en rel.iictant to vairate Che road and is <br />p,1r[icularlj inCerest~~~d i_ri C.'.~ic s`tuEatio~~ !~cCoreen a~~oe'e ~to~d ai~ict <br />A1.Len. IT.~hEy ,caced that he cl~i.d r;ot thi_n:c C.h~-~ ro~id ~.ras `casiblc <br />noe~th oE A7.l.en. <br />P4r rJea~vy statec' CI~At. s.iE thougill Cherc~ c~ins a house sour.h of A11en <br />Aven~~.e Chit. ~.o~n; ~i_n Che ~aay of Chc rorad. trs. '~fn,t:•rel'1. apocared b~~for.~ <br />the Counc~l and slr~ted I:Sr~t i:he. rlec'.: of her I~ou>e, i.s sout'ii <br />oC A.11en~ ~.aould. b~~ ~i_n Cl~in ~.oay oE the pr:ooos¢d roae~. <br />>,~x. Gaible appear~;d br[oi~ t?~te Cowlc:i.l <br />~aou1„d cost. Th~~ n;_i.r.eer rcl>i_~i.crl t':iae <br />v~?.00 pc,r Ex~onL FooC Eoi. eacl~ s~.dt; of <br />s<~.on?-, iaatm-mai.u and ~CreeC. 'Ch~ r~~,l. <br />a, c,sraent i s bei~iz pa~i d over a nEriod <br />an~i .isked i~oca much <z r_oad <br />P.iyn~ tlvEnue cost Fibout <br />tlic strcet , 'Cl~~:i.s -i.nctuded <br />~e~i~' comn;ented th~te C~t~ <br />oF 15 ~exrs. <br />Mr ~,tt~le, noi.nt~cl out t'n,zt. he i_s ~~lr~ady o'ty~in;; ~s e;snents tor <br />~;r1.r;eCCOn SCYeeC. <br />~`~c>, Al~u-t~~ni comm<~.nLed thal: 1.5 or i0 qears Froro now tl~ere inaq be Ciie <br />po ,il~I.l.:Cty of sm.~ller 1.~P.s i.n t'ie Ci_t.y. Under_ C~~i~se c~~-rcumstances~ <br />t~in pro~>erCy oanei s;o;iy w~~nt ~.o put a~, ro,~c! in. 'ardini. s~ ~-xted r_haC <br />q~.lii_z i_s not ~~hat t ie !;iCJ ~e~T~ts to do t?C Ch_i.s poi.nt. <br />,1r_ .orsi>cr; seatcd Chnt ~.~e ti?ce~ tki;~ 1.e,i;F~ loC, i.n th^ trera and <br />wou1<~, lil,e to see tti~~m pr~eerved. "or'sbrt; st~tr-d i;hat: 70 yasars <br />fx'om nnw l`i~ {>x'opc.rt~ wi.t~l be worth in~re :~~cause oi`. tJ~e s:i.zc oE <br />t!a~a 'I.ot. <br />!1 member oi t11r andi.enc~ sl~A.ed r~;~r thi.~ mas the relson Fae bi.tilt on <br />l~i~is 1_ot i_ii Liie 1'-Lr>t be~cesu e~ c~i tlu ,i_ze, <br />`~le ,. T{erl~rnhoff a~>~~eare~i '>efore tl~e Counc:i_1 and st ated thnc the <br />,~^ti.P:~i.on _uom~i_tCed £or ~~~stcati.on <~( the >treet aa5 only <°, propeck.ieS <br />s'io~~t oF, hei.n„ 1.00`/, cornnl.eCe, ?terken`iort staleec' chaC 1-.h res-i.ctents <br />o~ t~-~e =ur~ e ar~ a'U. oppo5~r1 to t(~e road :tn;l :van[ flie Cl~oro~iq;'i[ <br />plzn vact~ced. <br />~~~~i`;~ --?- <br />