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`t4INU'CI;S OF 'CHG REGULAR MEETING <br />CITY GOUNCII, <br />LI'CTLE CANADA, MINNESOTA <br />November 24, 1982 <br /> Pursuant to due call and notice thereol a regular meeting of. tlie <br /> Council of. the City of Li.[tle Canada, Min nesota was held on the <br /> 24th day of November, 1982 :in the Council Chambers of the City <br /> Center located at 515 Little Canada Road :i.n said City. <br />Agenda The Mayor, Mr. Raymond llanson, chai.r.ed th e meeting and called it <br />Item No. 1 to order at 7:30 P.M. and the w er.e present at roll call: <br />Agenda MPMI3GRS PR~SPNT: Mayor Mr. Raymond i~lanson <br />Item No, 2 Counc.Llman Mr. Mi.chael Fahey <br /> Counc~ilman Mr. Dennis Forsberg <br /> Councilwoman Mrs. Mugs Nardini. <br /> Councilwoman Mrs. lieverly Scalze <br /> ALSO YRGSPN'C: City Clerk Mr. Soseph Chlebeclc <br /> City Attorney Mr. 7'homas Sweeney <br /> Consulting Engineer Mr. Donald Carley <br /> City Planner Mr. Brad Nielson <br /> Recordin, Secr.etary Mrs. ICathleen Glanzer <br />Approval tetrs. ScaJ.ze pointed out that che City Apprai.s~r set a value of the <br />OL The Mosted property at $26,600 and this figure should be reflected on <br />Vouchers page 9 of. the PlovemUer 10 minutes. <br />Ap,enda Mrs. Nardini intior]uced rhe following resdut:i.on and moved its adopti.on: <br />Item No. 3 <br />RESOLUTION N0. 87-11-589 - <br />APPROVING THE MINl7TES OF 7'FI~ <br />NOVEMBER 10, 1982 COUNCIL <br />A1rFTING SUI3JPCT TO THP OIJTLINED <br />AMENllMENT <br />'Che resolution was duly seconded by Mrs. Scal.ze. <br />Ayes (5) Nardini, Scalze, t-lanson, Porsberg, I'ahey. <br />~ayes (0). <br />Resolution declared adopted. <br />'Phis resolution appears i.n Resol.uti.on Ilooic N0. 8, Pa~e 592. <br />@Irs. pointect out that on page 1 of the November 1S minutes <br />in the second paragrapki £rom the bottom tik should reflect that the <br />two pictures shown to Mr, Brody by Mrs. Nardini showed the windows <br />of MGM completely covered by signs attached to the inside. <br />Mrs. Nar.dini. also commenCed that on pap,e 2 in the second paragraph <br />iC should reflect that the pylons are up at the I.ittle Canada Mall. <br />Mrs. Narclini introduced the £ollowin~ resolution and moved its adopCion: <br />Pa~e -1- <br />