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M:f.NU'CF..S TO THP~ RI?GULAR ME73TING <br />CI'CX COUNCSL <br />LSTTL7? CANADA, t~[TNNESOTA <br />Ag~nda <br />Item No. 7. <br />Agenda <br />Item No. 2 <br />Approvi.n~; <br />The <br />Minutes <br />Agenda <br />Item No. 3 <br />Pevenue <br />Sharing <br /> <br />Agenda <br />Item No< 4 <br />}?ur.suant to due ca11 an<t notice thereot a re~ultir meeC:i.n~; of the <br />Counci.l of. the City o[ Little Canada,l4innesota was held on the <br />1.4th day of: Septemher, 19f33 i.n the Council. Chambers of. tl~e City <br />Center l.ocated at 51~ Li.Ctle Canada Road i.n sai.d Ci.ty. <br />September l~F, 1983 <br />r9ayor Raymond llanson the meet~in~ zm d called 'zt to order <br />at: 7030 I'.M. and the follocain~ were presenC at roll ca7.1: <br />;TLNIilFJ2S YRESrNT: <br />ALSO P13}'sSrN7': <br />Tlayor <br />Counci.].man <br /> <br />Counc~ilwomttn <br />Counci L~voman <br />City Clerlc <br />City Gn~;ineer <br />Ci.ty Attorney <br />City Planner <br />Publ.i.c L~~orlcs Supt. <br />13ui1ding Tnspect:or <br />Recorctin~; Secr.etary <br />Mr. Raymond ftanson <br />Mr. Pahey <br />Mr. Denni.s Forsberg <br />Mr,. P4ugs Nardini. <br />Mrs. t3everly Scalze <br />Mr. .Toseph Chlebeclc <br />T1r.. Don~3lci Car.l.ey <br />`1r, Thomt~s Sweeney <br />Nlr. Davzd LichC <br />P1r. Roger Glanzer <br />~1r, }'sd Loclce <br />Mr.s. iCat:hleen Glanzer <br />Mrs. Nardi.n:i i.ntroduced the f, resoluti.on and moved i.ts adopt.i.on: <br />RPSOLUTION N0. 83-9-423 - APPROVING Tl~il: <br />PIINUTES OF THE AUGUST 24, ].9f33 CO[JNCIL <br />MEF,TING <br />'Che fore~;o~.inf; resolution was duly seconded by Mr. Pahey. <br />Ayes (5), L'ahey, llanson, Scal.zey Forsberg. <br />Nayes (0). <br />KesoluCion declared adopted. <br />'Chi.s resol.ution appezir.s i.n Reso].uCi.on Book No. 9, Pac;e 466. <br />~:[r. Hanson opened t:he pubLic hearing on the use of Che Ci.ty's r.evenue <br /> f:unds in the amount of °jG6,000< It is the Ci.ty st:aff's <br />recommendation th,at the moriey be used f.or pol:i.ce protection, <br />Ttiere was no one present of.fering comments on the use of tk~ese funds. <br />i4rs. introduced Che resolution and moved its adopti.on: <br />RESOLUTION N0. 33~-9-42/s - CLOS'tNG THP <br />PUBT.IC tIP:ARING ON RF,.VBNUL: SHAPING <br />Pa~e -1- <br />