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<<zNU~~t;s <br />City Council. <br />Sept. 14, 19E33 <br />Revenue The f:ore~; resoluti.on was duly seconded by ilr. Pahey, <br /> Ayes (5), Pah~-~y, k~ianson, Porsberg, Scalze. <br />(Cont.) Nayes (0). <br />Resolution declared adopted. <br />'Chis resolution appears i.n I?esolut:i.on f~oolc Noe 9, Pa~;e 467, <br />Mrs. Scalze introduced ttie resol.uti.on and moved its adoption: <br />R13SOLUTIQ~ D10, 83-9-425 - DECLARING <br />.T,NA'C 9'HE C:CL'Y' S i2I~;VE~IIIE SktARINC TIJNDS <br />IIQ THF AMOUN'C OP $46,000 P,E l,1SE,D FOR <br />POL:CCI's P1:07'P:CTIODI <br />The Foregoin~ resoluti.on ~vas duly seconded by T4rs, Nar<lini.. <br />Ayes (5) Scalze,, llanson, )iorsber.n,, Pahey. <br />Nayes (0). <br />Resoluti.on declared adopted, <br />'7'his resolution appears in Reso].ut~.ion ISoolc No. 9> Page.4~h8. <br />Schrier ~1r.. Hanson opened Che public on the proposed rezonin~; oF <br />Triangle the tri.angular. pi.ece oL property owned by Mr, Schr~.ier frorn R-3 t:o <br />Proposed e:i.ther R-7 or R-l. <br />Reconing <br />C9r. Dennis Doody~ a resident of the area, appeared bef.ore Coimcil <br />Agenda and them that he Ur.ought i.n a petiti.on signed by 1.00% oE <br />Item No. 5 the people who would be effected by the rez,oning. These residents <br /> are requestinF a buff:er from the hi.,n,h densi.ty across the street. <br /> T4r. I'ahey poi.nted out that Che Planner has ir.~licated tFiat under <br /> the R-3 zoning ei_ther an £3 uni.t apartment would be allowed <br /> or 6 townhouses. lJnder R-?_ zoni.nU t~ao duplexes woul.d be allowed or <br /> 4 quad units. lJnder R-1 zoni.n~ Cwo s:ingLe f:ami.l.y home.s ~aouJ.d be <br /> allowed or 1 duplex and 7. singl.e f.amil.y home. <br /> ~1r. Fahey statec9 that i.t cuas unfortunate that t:ni., piece of: property <br /> was not talcen care of as part oE the other Schrier property across <br /> the streeC. <br /> Mrs. Scalze poi.nCe~d out that as part of.~ the Comprehensive the <br /> Counci.l voted low densi_t:y residentlal. f:or Chi.s ~ropcrty and <br /> dens:ity for Che pr.operty across the street. Mr. i'ak~ey askecl t:l,ie <br /> Planner i.f: l.ow densi.t:y resi.dential meant It-7.. The Planner replied <br /> Chat i.t did. <br />*9r. Fahey stated Chat tnen it appears Chat the i.ntent <br />of: the Counci.l. was Lor R-1 for tl~is property. 1~ahey sCated that tk~is <br />piece ot proper.ty more immedi2tely lmpacts on the res~idential areae <br />I'ahey staCect that tl~e Council should give strong considcration t:o <br />rezoiiin; the property R-le Pahey stated Chat ]te wa> preper.ed to <br />support such a resol.uti.on, <br />Page -2- <br />