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MINiJT]:S <br />City Council <br />Jan. 4, 1984 <br />Mrs. Nardini asiced if Appendix E was more or less restrictive Lhan <br />Richfield's present code. Mr. Cogland replied thlt the present code <br />was more restrictive than Appendix E. <br />Mrs. Scalze pointed out that the problem the City is having is that <br />someone wants to build a$35,000 pole building in the industrial <br />park and the cost of the system woulci be $15,000. 1lowever, <br />the City has not Ueen able to verify i.f. these bids are correct. <br />The businessmen are saying that the City is putting tl~em out of <br />busi.ness. <br />Mr. Cogland replied that the average cost of sprinkling a buil.ding <br />under 5,000 square feet is ~1.50 per square foot. Over 5,000 square <br />f.eet the cost goes down. Mr. fianson aslced cahat size pipe is needed <br />to supply the system. Mr. Cogland replied that a 2,000 square foot <br />buildin~ would reqaire a 3 or 4 inch water service. <br />The Auilding Official stated that he thought the minimum was 4 inch line <br />and pointed out that [he domesti.c line can be tapped as long as necessary <br />check valves are installed. <br />Mr. Pahey asked the UBC limitation on the height of a The <br />33uilding Inspector. replied that there is no Limitation as lonq as the <br />building i.s engineered properly, <br />Mr. Coflland pointed out that the City of Hopkins is divided by railroad <br />tracks and t:hey have required that any building on the or.her side of <br />Che tracks from the fire station must be spri.nlcLered. <br />Mr. Gor.dy Vadnais oY White Aear Lake informed the Council that the <br />Archi.tects' Association wanted standardized reguLations in this area. <br />Mr. Vadnais poi.nted out that it i.s a city's responsibility to provide <br />fire protection to a buiLding and during a fire it can be a life or <br />deach situati.on for a fireman. Vadna:is commented that it would malce <br />the job of a fireman easier i.f buildings were standardized. <br />Vac(nais stated that the tdhite Bear Lalce Volunteer Fire Department saves <br />the taxpayers of that City $1 million Per year. A fully paid <br />department would cost the businessman a lot of. money. <br />Vadnais pointed out that the 2 1/2 story apartment 6uilding i.s a fire <br />hazard to f.iremen and these were built in order to get around the <br />requirement that 3 story buildings be sprinklered. Vadnais pointed <br />out that contractors will try to get by as cheap as possible. <br />Vadnais stated that White I~ear Lalce has not yet adopted Appendix E <br />and part of the reason is that building code people and the fire service <br />had to be educated. The City has been holding meetings to do this. <br />Vadnais sCaCed that Appendix E does not apply to existing buildings, <br />and he wished it clid, <br />Page -3- <br />