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MINIiTES <br />City Council <br />Jan. 4~ 1984 <br />;~lr. P'orsberg feLt that the Ci_[y should license the businesses in the <br />i.ndustrial and areas of the City. Mrs. Nardini stated <br />that home occupati.ons are usually policed by the neighbors. <br />Mr. Coglancl reported to the Council that the Ci.ty of Fresno, Calitornia <br />decidect in the 1960's that every building should Ue sprinklered in <br />the City and even though the City gre~o in size and population~ the <br />fire £ighting force di.d not have to be increased and the cost actually <br />went down because of. the increase in popul.ation. <br />Mr. Pahey stated ehar. Appendix P~oill become a fact of life and people <br />~vi.ll lcnow up fr.ont that this i.s expected, <br />Mrs< Nardini stated that the Council and the Planning Commission must <br />say that this i.s a req~~i.rement of the City. Mr. }~anson stated that <br />the I~ui.lding Official can try to minimize the effects of the appendix. <br />Mrs. Scalze asked if the Little Canada Day Care ~aould have to sprinkler <br />the whole building or just the addition. Mr. llucharme poin[ed out that <br />he has a building that he might want to add on to. <br />Mr. Vadnais sY.ated that there will be some hardships under. Appendix E. <br />Mr, Porsberg stated that Appendix E aff.ects additions to existin~; <br />bui.ldings har<i, but tkie eftect is not bad i.n new construction. <br />Mr. Pahey stated that af.ter reviewing the statement of need i.t appears <br />that Appendix E only applies Co new construction. Mr. Pahey state<t <br />that he would to get an opinion on this. Pahey stated that it <br />would alleviate a lot of hardship for busi.nesses if this <br />were the case. New construction would know what is expected of them. <br />Mr. Porsberg aslced about the case where there is no water availabLe. <br />Mr. Locke replied that there are things that can be done, but they <br />are very costly. <br />Mr. Vadnais stated that there are a lot o£ sprinklered buildings <br />around that do not have water. <br />Mr, Fahey stated that if the code requires it, the sprinkler system <br />must be put i.n and the City cannot inform deveLopers that they could <br />bui.ld Cwo smaLler buildings to get under the square footage requirement. <br />The Ci.ty can also work with the developer through revenue <br />bonds. <br />Mrs. Scalze questioned the Ci.ty putting in pr.ivate waCer. lines and <br />assessing the cost under a City water project. The City CLerk commented <br />that the City has done this i.n the past. Mr. Fahey stated that the <br />City is only obtai.ning a better price Lor the deveLoper and he will <br />have to pay the assessment immediately. <br />Page -7- <br />