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MINU'f.R,S <br />City Council <br />Jan, 11, 19£34 <br />Parks Mr. Forsber~ i.ntroduced the following resoluti.on ancl moved its adoption: <br />Commi,sion <br />Pub15.c RESOLUTION N0. 84-1-30 - AUTI~tORI7.ING KATtIY GLANZI?R <br />} 7'0 AC'C AS RFCORDING SECRP'CARY AT TIIE PAI2K <br />~Cont.) COMMSSSION PUIILIC HT~:ARIPIG TO BIs Ft~LD ON JANUA~Y <br />1.9, 1984 <br />'Che resolution o~as duly seconded by Mrs. Narclini. <br />Ayes (5) Porsber~~, Scal.ze, P~hey, hlanson. <br />Nayes (0). <br />Resol.utiori adopted. <br />This resolut:ion appears in Kesolution 13oolc No. 10, Pa~;e 37. <br />Rebudgetin~; ?~.Irs. Scalae reported t:hat there was a surplus i.n the Parlcs budget <br />Of Parl< of $5,404 1983. Scalze requested that this money be moved <br />Commission to the 1.~54 budget for the devel.opment oE Gervai.s Mi.ll Parlc. <br />Punds <br />Agenda <br />Item 13.2 <br />R.ecrea~i.on <br />}3udget <br />Agenda <br />Item 13.3 <br />i9rs. Scalze i.nCroduced the resoluti.on and moved i.ts adopti.on: <br />RFSOLlJTION N0. 84-1-31 - ORDI3RING T}tE RE}IUDGLTING <br />OP $5,404 PROM TNP 1983 PARKu BUDGPT TO TflE 1.984 <br />PARKS E3UDGFT <br />The foregoing resoluti.on was duly seconded by Mrs. <br />Ayes (5) Scalze, Nardin:i., Hanson, Fahey, Porsberg. <br />Nayes (0). <br />ResoLuti.on declared adopted. <br />Tliis resolution appears in Resoluti.on i~oolc Nc. 10, I?age 3£l. <br />Mrs. Scalze repor~ed that there was a svrplus i.n the 1983 Recreation <br />Budget of ~6,4?_5. Scalze requested that $I.,500 be reUudgeted in 19F3/F <br />for aglime oE the f.ields and $1,500 for lighting of. the pleasure ri.nlc <br />at the Pire I~arns. <br />Mrs. Scalze introduced the fol.lowing resolution and moved its adoption: <br />.RI?SOLSJTI0D1 N0. £34-1-32 - ORDPI2ING THL' RrSUDGTTING <br />OF $1,500 PROM THE 1983 R~CRPATION BUDGGT 'I'0 Tl{P <br />79E34 R~CRlATLON BtJD~LT POR GROUNDS UPKEPP AND THF. <br />REi~UDC;ETING OP `~1,500 FROM TI~iP: ~19£~3 F3tJDGF,T TO TI{~; <br />1.9F34 RECRLATION }JitDGET TOR LIGHTING TI{7Z SMALL SKATING <br />,RINI< BOR A'LOTAL OP $3,000 I.N BUDGP7' CARRYOVI;R <br />The foregoi.n~; resol.ution was duly seconded by Mr. i'or.sberg. <br />Ayes (5) Scalze, Porsberg, Aanson,, 1'ahey. <br />Nayes (0). <br />Resolution declared adopted. <br />Thi.s resol.uti.on appears in Resol.uti.on i3oolc No. 10, Page 39. <br />Pa~e -23- <br />