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MZNUTES <br />Ci.ty Counci.l <br />Jan. 11~ 1984 <br />Approving Mr. Pahey i.nCroduced thc: resolution and moved its adoption: <br />Vouchers <br />RESOLUTION N0. f34-1-33 - APPROVING 'CkIE <br />Agenda PAYMPNT OP TI-II? VOUCIIIiRS <br />Item 14.? <br />'1'he Loregoin~ resolution was duly seconded by Mrs. Nardirii.. <br />Ayes (5) Fahey, Nard~in:i., ilanson, Scalze, Porsber~;. <br />Nd~JBS ~n~. <br />Resolution declared adoptect. <br />Thi.s resolution appears in Resolution Tioolc No. 10, Page 40. <br />Annette Mr. i'ahey repor[ed that P1rs. Freeman felt that stis was Che <br />P'reeman's wortc of Pi.nance Di.rector Lor tk~e City and, therefore, f:el.t that he~~r <br />Salary salary shotald be adjusted accordin~;ly. <br />Pahey inLormed the Counci.l that he contacted Mr, Voto, the C:i.ty's <br />Agenda AudiCOr, r.his matCer, the result of which i.s the letter <br />Ttem 14.7. the Council. has from Mr. Voto. <br />hfr. Voto felt that Tlrs. Preeman was not the work of a Pi.nance <br />Director~ but is the work of: a fu11-charge boolQ<eeper. Voto <br />then informed the Counci.l the salary he i.s payin~; hi.s <br />boolckee.per. Voto i.ndi.cated Chat a 4.6% increase plus an additional <br />5% ~aoui.d put Mrs. rreeman's salary at slightl.y above tY~e <br />category for a f.ul.l-char~;e booklceeper. <br />Mr. Fahey reported that he is that Mrs. 1?reeman be given <br />a 9.6% salary i.ncrease over her 1957 sal.ary. Pahey stated thaC this <br />will. also compensate Mrs. P'reeman f.or the salar.y compressi.on she has <br />experi.encecl over the years due to the City's gr.anti.n~; percentage <br />i.ncreases across-the-board. <br />@lrs. Scalze stated t:hat she had a problem this and indi.catect th2t <br />Little Canada was a sma1.1 city. Scalr.e also commented that she does <br />not lcnow where Mrs. I~'reeman's posit:ion wiChin the guidelines and <br /> indi.cated tl~at there are other positions i.n the City that are paid <br />at ].ess than outlined i.n the gui.delines. <br />Mrs. Nar<tini commented thlt it sounded to her from r4r. Voto's letter <br />that Mrs. Preeman i.s classi£ied wliere she shoulct be. <br />P'ahey stated that she is doing work that does not fall into her. <br />etassi£ication. She i.s doing the work of a f:ull-charge booldceeper< <br />Mrs. Narclini. asked a.f. a senior accounting clerl< was comparable to a <br /> bookkeeper. Fahey staCed that the are beyond those <br />of a senior accounting clerl<. <br />Page -2~ti- <br />