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MZD1tJT~S <br />C:i.ty Counci.l <br />Jan. 11, 1984 <br />Ci.ty Propert:y <br />(Cont.) <br />Snyders <br />Game Room <br />License <br />Ap,enda <br />Ltem No. h <br />'l'he foregoing resolution was daLy seconded by Mr. Porsberg. <br />Ayes (5) Scalze, Torsberg, Pahey, Hanson, Nardini.. <br />Nayes (0). <br />Resoluti.on declared adopted. <br />Thi.s resolution appears in Resolution Rool< N0. 10, PaRe 7.2. <br />Mr. .Joe Ke:i.m, Mana~;er of. Snyder Bros., appeared bef.ore the Council. <br /> a game room li.cense to operate si.x games i.n the Snyders <br />store. <br />Mr.. ilanson introduced the f.ollowinc; resoluti.on and moved i.ts adopCi.on: <br />RESOLUTION N0. 8~4-1-6 - APPROVING ~1 GAyP <br />ROOM I~ICHNSP FOR STX MACHSNPS T'OR SNYDEB <br />BROi. AT 2900 RICIi STRErT <br />Tk~e f.oreg,oing resoluti.on was dul.y seconded by Mr. P'orsber{;. <br />Ayes (5) Hanson, Porsberg, Pal.ley, Scalze, Nardini. <br />Nayes (0). <br />Resolution decl.ared adopted. <br />This resolution appears i.n Resoluti.on T3ook No. 10, Page 13. <br />insurance Mr. Dan Nicol and Mr. Dave Mastell apqeared before the Cotmcil <br />Claim they have submitted to the C~.i.ty's insur2nce comp~ny for the bactcing <br />up of. se~oage i.n Chei.r basements. <br />Addi.tion <br />To The Mr. MasT.ell reportecl t:hat they had s.ix i.nches of raw sewage baclced <br />Agenda up in their basements. i`4aste1.1 reported that hi.s basement i.s cornpletely <br />fi.nished off and only was seelcing damages to the builctin~ and not <br />contents. The CiCy Clerk requested at the of the dama~e that <br />the submit estimates f.or the clean-up u~hi_ch were submi.tted <br />to the City's i.nsurance company. <br />Mastel.l reported that ~Lter a period of time nothing had been done by <br />the insurance company and he contacCed the ci.ty. Then the insurance <br />company sent a letter stating the clamage was not covered. The City <br />CLerk, at that point contacted the i.nsurance company and an adjuster. <br />~aas sent out. 'f.he adjuster otfered :~500 i.n sett:lement of. the cl.aims. <br />The insurance company was contacted agai.n anc' ofEerect to pay half of <br />the estimates for darnages. ~tr. Mastell's esti.mate is for. $4,08&' and <br />Mr. Ni~ol.'s is £or $~4,750.00. <br />P1r. Mastell commented that the sewage caas six inches deep and he wants <br />the walls puLled out, disinf.ected and replaced. Mastell stated T.hat <br />he wants it so it is sani.tary. <br />Mr. Mastell. stated that he i.s willing to get more than one bid, but <br />poi.nted out that the insurance company is admiCting fault and shoul.d <br />l~ave to pay. <br />Page -6- <br />