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MINtJ'LGS <br />CiCy Council <br />Jan. 1.1, 1984 <br />Insurance Pahey si:ated that he did not want to see ci.tizens [reated this way if: they <br />Claim (Cont.) are in the ri.~ht. Fahey did not feel the City should stand by i.dly and <br />Let th:i.s happen. Pahey felt that Che City can comment to Che insur.ance <br />company. <br />Mr. Porsberg a~;reed that the Council has the responsi.Uility to talce care <br />of. the citi.z.ens i.n the City. <br />Mrs. Nardini. suggested that Mr. P9cNamara be aslced to appear before the <br />Council. <br />T4r. I{anson suggested that tlle Ci.ty l.ook into this further over the next <br />coupie of weelcs. <br /> 'Lhe City has rece:ived t:wo proposal.s £or servi.ces as ].egal newsgaper for <br />Newspaper Li.ttLe Canada. 'Lhey are f.rom the North SuburUan Press and the Li11ie <br /> Press. <br />Ag,enda <br />Item 7.1. 'Phe Cir.y Cl.erk reported that the Li11ie Pr.ess ctoes not have the proper <br /> procedures Lor designati.on as a legal newspaper. <br />Mrs. Scalze i.nformed Mr. Johnson of the Suburban Press thaC she <br />f.ee1, that the Roseville Review does a;;ood job of covering evenCS in <br />the City. Scalze did not feel that the Ci.ty got the same coverage <br />in the North Suburban Press aS i.t does in Che Roseville Review. <br />Scalze did noC f.eel. that the City ~vas getting educaCion news coverage <br />in the North Suburban Press. <br />Mr. Johnson stated that he wi.11 moni.tor thi.s and pointed out that the <br />North Suburban Press is three school districts. <br />P1r.s. Scal.ze also stated that there is a very good column in the Sun that <br />per.haps T.he North Suburban Press could buy. <br />Mr. Pahey stated that the North Subur.ban Press did not cover Pise <br />Preventi.on Fleek as it did in past years. <br />Mrs. Nardini. commented that she f.elt the North Suburban Press has <br />i.mproved over past years, but was not perfect yet. <br />Mrs. introduced the f.ol].owing resoluti.on and moved i.ts adoption: <br />RESOLUTION N0. 8~r1-7 - APPOINTING TI-IP NORTH <br />SU13UR~6AN PK]iSS ~1S THE CITY' S OP'FICIAI., NEWSPAPL'R <br />POR TFI17 YP.A~2 1984 <br />Page -3- <br />