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M:[NiJT~iS <br />C~i.ty Counci.l. <br />~eb.22, 19£'~~~ <br />Deoel.l. i.n~ <br />Relocation <br />Demont SCr <br />Ac;enda <br />Item No. 4 <br />P1r. }?ahe~~ opener.l the publ~ic hearing on t;he proposed <br />relocation of ~ dwellin~ Erom ?~1cMenemy to 31.7 DemonC. Pahey po:inted <br />out. th~it the Plannin; r<tcommende~d & to 0 C6e ap~~roval <br />o~f. the rel.ocat{.on of thi.s ,house~ i.ipon C~.h~ recommFnd~t:i.ons <br />i.n the Planner's reporC being met. <br />Mr. Fahey aslce~d if. the house woul.d meet set:baclc requi.rc:rnents. <br />Mr. Col.l.ova repl~ied Chat ~.t ~ooulcl. Mr. Collova a,lso comme;nted tliat <br />he ~ooul.d be sett~i.n3 the house as fmc }.>acl.c on tt~e. 1ot 1s por.,sib7e. <br />Mr. Fahey t~ointed out t:hat th~ l?lanner recomme~nded approval. of the <br />condi.tional use parm~it the re7.ocation conCingent upon <br />approval of the Sngineer oL tlte sir_e arid ch~a~.ina~e and eipprova7. of <br />tP~e '[3ui.ldinr; Inspector oE the striicture. T11e Pl.anner <br />recommended that be compl.eted pri.or t:o occupanc9 <br />anel a bond k~e posted for :i.nsurance and securi.ty. <br />Mr. Col.l.ova i.n,F,ormed P.hF ~uuiFnce tha[ he planned t:o re~lash the <br />stucco on the house, put on a new root and ~i.nstall. new wi_ndows. <br />'Chere are ttlso future plans for a~;araige. Col.l.ov~.~ repor[ed that <br />the housc wil.l. atso be reinsulr:ited and new wi.rin~ and <br />insl~.alled. <br />A1r. Coll.ova reportecl thC the liomes :i_n che neif;hborhood. are generall.y <br />1.0 t:o 35 yeaxs otd ancl felt tliaC the house w~t11 fit in w~ith the <br />neif;kiborhood. <br />titr. k~al~iey reported Cliat 317 r)emont ~[s present~ly ownecl by tl~e C:ity <br />and w~s advert~,i_sed l~or sal~~ and sold to Mr. Col.l.ova on the condi_tiori <br />tliat he can move this home onto i.t. <br />Mr. CJ~ilebeclc rcported t'~iat t.hE City purchased the lc~t in 1°63 whcn iC <br />needed ~ secaer easement ;across t:he l.ot, The o~aner of the 1ot <br />,formed the Ci_t_y that: i_f, they wanCed Che easement, they would have <br />to I~>uy the lot. <br />Nfes. Scalze i.nF.ormed t:he auda.enc~ that the City rece~tly purchased <br />property for ~ senior cit:~i.zen housing project. In order to recoup <br />some o,f. tl'~e funds spFnC for tlie purci~rzse of thi.s property, the Ci_ty <br />i.s some other oroper~ty i.t: owns, <br />Mr. .ioe Itausner asl,ced :if. tY~e ].ot ~vas bui.lclable the seurer <br />ceasement. T,ie poi.nted ouC Chs~t Che easemenC i.s oniy <br />the ].ot 19_ne. <br />Mr. Kausner. reported ChaC it was hi_s thaC the 1ot: woul.d <br />be used for a toC 1oC. Mrs. Scalze reported that the p~rlc Comm~i.ssi.on <br />caas m~il.d~,l.~ i.n2:erest:ed in this a~ one Cirne. Scalz<; i_nformed the <br />aiidi.ence of: recent meetinp,s o~ith Lalce Stre.e.t neighbors reg~~rd~i.nd a <br />t_oC 1ot and the sCrong oqpos~i.ti.on ~i_n Lhat area to such a proposal.. <br />n1P~' -~- <br />