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r~t~trrr> <br />~i.ty Counci.l. <br />Feb. 22, 1.9R4 <br /> ~Ir. Pahcy reported that the eondi.ti.onal. use pennit wfl.J. bc~ cont:i.n~ent <br />12e].ocxtion upon apnroval oE t:tie C~.ity En~~i.nee~r of the grxcLiri, ~nd dr1-i_nag,e. <br />(Cont.) <br />Mr. 1<ausner felt thaC the. structure would not blend in w~i_tPi Che <br />env~i.ronment as a whola. '°Ir. I<ausnE~r stated Chat .'ic di.d not <br />t:o a ne~o home bei.n~; buil.t on Lhe l.ot, biit fclt thiat the home proposed <br />~roul.d deCracC f,ran the. value oE hi.s property. <br />~e',r. rahe~ stat:ed tl'iat the City cloes not have control. over aestheti.cs <br />as l.onf as the house meets C:i.Cy Code i.n al.l resnects and setbac:lc <br />requirements and drain<.v~;e. The Ci.ty cannot refuse the permi.t bec.ause <br />thc Piouse is unsi.tely to t;hc neighbors. <br />A1r. Forsbero poi.nted out Y:hat the CiCy cannoi: legisl.aCe aesCh~tic; <br />on a new home. <br />^4r. ?C~usner cornmenCed on the Ci_ty's vari_ance procedure. P4r. Fahey <br />stated [hat a vari.ance :i> not nranted unless t.i person carmot roak~ <br />good use of his peoperty. T'ahey pointed out Chat Mr. Co1.l.ova .i, <br />not a vari_ance i_n thi_s case. Mr. Forsber~ pointed <br />out that a variance reyu~ires a publi.c hiear~in~. <br />Mr. :Cziusner poinCed out the soil. condi.tions of the property. Kausner <br />staCed that the Ci_Cy nas a responsibli.ty to the; commurii.ty. <br />`1rs. Scalze cornmenCed I:hat she loolced at the airca and Eelt thnC the <br />house would f.'i.t soS.tti the ~>resE.nt homes. <br />N:r. I)~i~ Campanero appear~d before the Coiinci).. *~Ir. Cam~~rnero repoctecl <br />that he l~i.ves di_rectly ucross tPic st:rset f.rom the ~1ot i.n quFSCion. <br />?4r. Carnpanero repor.ted th~it he i.<,; pay~i.nv high taxns and fclt that <br />thF l~ouse would deval.ue h:is px~operty. Ca~noanero ,a1so reported th~t <br />there i_s a large puddle in the sCreet i.ri f.ront of, his tiouse 2nd E~~.1t <br />t:hzit th~i.s house ai.ll add t:o Che;e pro67.em i.n the area. <br />~1rs. Sc;zlze r<~~ported th~it skie spoke wi.Ch ekie Publi.c ~dorl<s Superi.nt~ndenY: <br />about the drainage and i.t i.s his feeling that tlie drai.nnge. to t,he <br />south cloes noti El.ow correctly• C;lanzer dicl not feel Ch2t thi.s house <br />would add to the problem. Mrs. Scalze stated tiiat. the City has to <br />so' the drainage prob1.em on Morr~.isone <br />Mr. Campanero stated ChaC the house Y.o be moved in wi71 not blend :in <br />with bii.s home and tcels that this would be an i.rijustice to him. <br />'4rs. Scal.ze ooi.nte.~l ouT. that on Payne Avenue a manuEzictured home was <br />brought. in thaC tYte of that ~area were not h~pny with and <br />poi.nCed th~~t Che 1~1w says thsat Che Ci.ty cannot stop Zhis type oC <br />housin~; from, brou~;ItC :in, ~4rs. 5calze po:i.nCed that this <br />type of hous~ing could be brought: in on this 1ot. <br />Mrs. Nardin.i pol.nted out that some of. tkie reasons the. Ci.ty has to deny <br />the request woulcl be i.F rr~e sLructure di.d not meet City Code, was too <br />Paf;~' -'3- <br />