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~9.T.Al1PC}iS <br />Ci.ty Counci.l <br />T'eb. 22, 19£~G. <br />Dsae L7. ing <br />Relocati.on <br />(Cont.) <br />Mr. Porsi~erg stated that t.l'ie 1oC was never unbi~l.l.d.abl.e. <br />N?r. Plc~nningsen, a res;i.denC of the area, requested t_hat tr_hie Counc~il. <br />give some cons:ideraC~f_on to the preference of Che nei_gPiborhood. <br />tlenn~ingsen stated t~1t this is done ~i.n the case of vax~iances< <br />~[r. Pahey commented that Che ord'i.nance does not prov~icle f.or variance, <br />on tl~e basi.s o~ ~ahether or nut neip,hbors ~~ree. 'Chis ~uould cause <br />Che si.t.uati.on Co become a contest and there are nei_,p,hbors <br />who mi.ght be ~.inrea>onable over a minor varianc~. <br />P1r. PaF,icy stated th2t. thi.s c•ras a hard deci.sion for bot:h t:he Council. <br />and ne~i.~;hl,>orhood. Pahcy po~inted out that: the Counci7. elther way has <br />to vote agai.nsc t~xPayers. <br />Mr. i-(enningsen staCed Chat: the Counci.l shoul~9 go by t:hc major~ity or <br />concensus in this s,itu~ti.on, <br />iQrs. Donovan sCaCed t}iat her concern was th~; drairiagc probl.em in the <br />area. t)onovan sCated that the peobl.ern is increas~ing and becoming <br />very ser~ious. Nlrs. Donovan aslced :i.f the City will resolve tni.s problc.m. <br />~ir. nahey st:ated that if *he reqUest i> apProvecl, t_kie Gity Engineer <br />w:i.l7. Ue rev~i.ewi_ng the.<;c: plans. Thc~ Ci.ty wi_1.1 also requi_re a <br />bond of A1r. Co11.ov~ to cns~ree thaC everythi.nF; i.s done saCZSfactori.l.y. <br />Pirs. Sc~1ze poi.nted out that there are two drni_naf;e probl.ems. The <br />first being Che l.ot itself and sccondly, Che ahol.e~ area. A1rs. Scalce <br />convnented t:hat Che Ci.ty di.d not loolc ahead and con,ider tni.s p~roblem <br />wilen t:Pi~~ airea began t.;o devel.op. <br />?4r. i'vrsber~; agreed that this p~robl.e.m has to br addressed. P-[rs, <br />Scalze stated i:hat: the Ci.ty is moving slow7.y on this because che <br />Ci.ty doe; not tcnow where ~i.t: w:i11. gec the money to correct the problem. <br />Mr. Fahey pointed out that the peopl.e on Morri.son want a new <br />street and ehe Ci.ty has noC d<;t:~~rm:i.ned the answer Co replacement. oE <br /> stceets, <br />Mr. 0'I3anion aslcecl i.[ there was a ma~i.mum depth Ghat a horne coul.d be <br />p1ac~,d on a l.ot:. 'Che Planner r.epl.ied that: a min;i.mum ol~ 30 feet <br />rear yard musi.-, be provided. 'Ch~i.s propo5sals meets t,hi.s requi.rement. <br />Mr. 0'Itan~ion poi.ntecl out that the house o~i.11. bc 15 feet beyond his <br />horne. i~ir. Fahey asked 'i.f the housc could be moved forward. <br />i4r. I,.,~.icht rep).i_ed 1-.I,iat i.mdr~r the~ code, Mr. Collova i.s free to <br />pat the house wherever he l.ikes as long as codFS are meC. Mr. Fahey <br />St;ated that ~if the Ci.ty can coi~~tro1. the placeme~nt o[ thF~ house, i.C <br />should do so. <br />A4r. L~i_cl'~C poi.nted out that Che C:ity does have control over the <br />of. t:k~e property. <br />Pa~;e -5- <br />