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02-22-84 Council Minutes
City Council Meeting Minutes
02-22-84 Council Minutes
Entry Properties
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8/27/2014 2:36:35 PM
Creation date
7/31/2009 2:50:08 PM
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?iT~'UTS; i <br />C~ity Counci.l <br />l~eb. 22, 1.954 <br />D~aelling large, stri.ict~urall.y unsafe. Mrs. A'lardin:i_ po(.nted out tPi1C the Ci.Cy <br />Rel.oc~ition hrts to se11 thr-_ property 1nd kias i~o excuse to deny i4r. Col~lova's <br />(Cont.) requcst. <br />One oE tPie meinbers of the audi.ence lslced. i.f t.hat: was the case, wl;iy <br />did Che Ci.C~ l~iold a publ,i.c hlr,. repl.i.a>.d Chat tne <br />laor xequi.r~es iC ~,in the case of' a condit~ioilal u,e permiC. Mr. Fahey <br />poi.nted out C_hat the perm,it oril.l reqi.iire four aEfirmative ~~otes of <br />the CouncJ.1. <br />Mrs. Cl.ausen as!ced i.E the house is set Farther baclc on the 1ot what <br />thi.s wi11 do to the 0'I3ani.on's hoase. Cl.ausen oointed out that <br />C11ey wi.ll v:i.e~o the f.ront of [:Se 1~ouse feom ttieir bacl< dec)c. <br />hlr. Fahey pointed out that 'Nfr. 0'73an~i.on may have thi., problein regarclle>ss <br />of: what ~i_s on the! ].ot. <br />Mz. l'oesbecg staCed that the C:i_ty has several p~,ieces oE proper.ty tkiaC <br />i_t is obli~;tited to get back on the t2x roLl.s. <br />P~ir. Campanero stated that the ~vater table on Ckie pro~>erty wi.1.1 cause <br />ei probl.em. <br />Mr. Lance 0']3ai~~i.on app~ared be£ore the Council and reported that: he <br />bu~ilt ne.xt to tJti.s properC~/ about seven years u~,o becz~iase he i.inder- <br />stood Chat th~s ~vas an unbuildablc l.ot:. Mr. 0'B~ni.on reported tl~at <br />he rece.i.vecl ~ var.iance ,tz•om the Cit.y Yo bu~ild his home about 7.0 £eeT <br />forward in order to sav~ ,ome oalc tr.•ees on the oroperty. <br />0'~an:ion reX~orted that th1.s i.s f~,Lted property <and or~as ~n o).d swamp. <br />p'Banion fctt an~ hotis~~ on Chi.s l.ot cvi1.1 end up sitting in water. <br />I,f tPxE hoi.ise were r~iised Co avoid this, iC wi].l c~us~ 0'73ani.on a~oaaCer <br />probl.em. <br />Nir. 0';ianion stated tltat a mambe.r oE years ay.,o he approrichecl ~he <br />Park Commi.ssi.on on putti.n,~ in ~ t:ot 1ot: on this proper,ty. <br />Mr. 0'k3anion felt that ~i.f th~i_s home noe> in, the Ci.ty should talce care <br />of the prob7.ems that: i.t sui11 c~~.~se <br />0'Banion stated tFxat t:he area of: Che l.ol, that Mr. Collova l~lans to <br />ouC the hou,e is the lo~asst section oE property ~in the nei~hborhood. <br />Mss< Scal.ze stat~d thaC the prob7.em explained Co her as one of <br />hi11, and vall.eys and the probl.em i.s just moving do~an Ct~e ,treeC as <br />the area devclops. 'f.hc~ drai_nat;e nroblem on t:he south s~i.dc of the <br />strcet mu,t be. correct:e<t. <br />Mr. 0'Banion staCed that i.L the housE~ goes i_n the drainage problem caill. <br />becorne hts as hi.; 7.ot wi17. then be Lhe lowest propert.y i.n Che aarea. <br />0'i3anion fel.t Chat the lot was unbuil.dablc. <br />pa°e --4- <br />
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