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MINlJT9iS <br />City Co~mcil <br />March 21, 1984 <br />Signs (Cont.) RPSOLUTTON N0. 84-3-1.?_4 - RECOCpP4t'~1DING TI~tAT HOLIDAY <br />SIGNS BE DELET.ED P'ROM THE 'PHMPORARY SIGN PROVISION <br />OP C 4 ANI) DI'FINING }IOJ IDAY AS A STATP OR NATIONAI,LY <br />KNOWN I~IOI,IDAY AND DliCLARING THAT A HOLIllAY SIGN <br />CAN P;XCF,GD TI~IE 15% t3UILDING SILOUETTP I.ZP1I'CA7'ION <br />I~UT C4llST Pt1T L IIITHIN TtIF ONE-THIRD WINDOId SIGN <br />]?ROVISION AND PURTHER ALLOWIP]G HOLIDAY SIGNS 'LO Bli <br />UP POR A MAXIMUM OP 45 DAYS AND DECI.,N2ING THAT NO <br />PERMIT WILI~ I3r RPQUIIt~D FOR t[OLIDAY SIGNS, AND <br />LASTLY THAT HOLIDAY SIGNS CANNOT CONTAIN AllVPRTISING <br />14AT~R7AL, THTS RECOMMP.NllATION i3ASCD ON I.~ISCUSSION <br />IdITI! TIIE i3USINPSS COMMUNI'CY AND CI'CT7.I;N-AT-LARGT' <br />The f.oregoin~ resolution was duly seconde<t by t4rs. <br />Ayes (3) Scal.ze, Fahey, T]ardi.n:i. <br />Nayes (0). <br />Resolut.ion decl.ared adopted. <br />7'his resolution appears i.n Resol.ution f3oolc No. 17., Pa~;e 133. <br />~1rs. Scalze st:ated that she saw nothing wrong wi~h leaving the <br />ordinance as is regard to temporary si.gns. Scalze po~i.ntecl <br />out Chat i.C provi.des f.or occasi.ons and that the Council <br />has acted on signs and window signs. <br />Mr. Fahey felt that i.f the City allo~as temporary si.gns the time <br />limit should be increased ~0 14 days as that is the tength of most <br />sales. <br />Mrs. Scalze pointed out that this portion of the ordi.nance covers <br />signs on orheels and the Council. must be agreeable that it will <br />enf.orce setbacks f.or. these signs. <br />The Planner pointed ouC that the Code presently does not aLlow <br />search lights on wheels. <br />Mrs. Scalze stated Chat she lilces the ordi.nance as i.s. <br />Mr. Quiri.n suggested th~t the time be eliminated and let the <br />businesses deci.cle how to use their a1.l.otment of days f.or temporary <br />signs. The busi.ness coul.d use it periodi.cally or else all at one <br />time. <br />Ms. Stel.liclc po~i.nted out that many Uusi.nesses run sales £or 10 day <br />periods. Steili.clc felt thi.s should be allowed as long as the <br />total. number of days Lor temporary si~;ns are not exceeded. Stell.iclc <br />also pointed out that there are seasonal businesses that might ~oant <br />to use its days during the:i.r busy season. <br />Ms. Tipler, po:inted out that the temporary is supposect to be <br />usecl f.or an excepti.onal <br />Pa~;e -11.- <br />