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MINUTPS <br />City Counci.l <br />March 21., 1984 <br />Signs (Cont.) Mrs. Scalze felt that busi.nesses should have ni.ce permanent si.~;ns, <br />rather than t}~ese temK>orary signs. <br />Fahey stated that he agreed that Che temporary sians should be 1im:i.ted <br />to occasions anct should not Ue a pri.mary methoc! of <br />The purpose of: the ordi.nance is to clean up the t:emporary junlc si.gns. <br />Narctini poi.nted out that cai.ndow signs were increased and the percentag~ <br />of si.louette. <br />Mr. Qui.rin requestecl that temporary si~;ns be a ll.owed f.or 30 days per <br />year one annual. permi.t. Nardini. objected to the 30 days. <br />Mr. Pahey sCated that the 30 days was f.ine with him wiCh three occasi.ons <br />of Cen days each. <br />The City Clerlc poi.nted out that 98% of the temporary si.gns are <br />located on the ri.ght-of.-way and once this is °nforced, most of <br />these signs wi11 be elimi.nated. <br />Mr. Pahey stated thaC the Council was a~;reeable that the si~;ns <br />should be located £ive feet off the right-of-way. <br />Nlrs. Clausen aslced if a wi.ndow included on a wi.ndow. <br />7'he Planner repliect thaC i.t did and the size was calcul.ated on the <br />silouette of the sign. <br />Mr. Pahey suggested that the ~25 annual. sug};este.d by the business <br />community could be reduced to ~10. Mrs. Nardi_ni disagreed. <br /> fel.t that the $25 would be more adequate to cover sCafL <br />costs and enforcement costs. <br />Mr.. Fahey f:elt that 1~ days three times per year permi.ts talcen <br />out each would be tkie best way Lo handl.e Cemporary signs. Then <br />'Che I~uildinp Inspector could pol.i_ce the situati.on. <br />Mrs. Ti.pler telt thaC the pr.ocess shoul.d be made as di.ff.iciilt as <br />possible so thaC these signs wi.l.l. not be appl~ied for. <br />P1rs. Nardini. felt that a dis[ance of shoul<i be placed between <br />the permi.ts so that there i.s not a steady temporary sign at a <br />business for 30 days. <br />Mrs. Scalze EeI.C a~10 permit fee should be chzirp,ed each a 10 <br />clay permit is appl.ied for. <br />Mr. Quirin requested an annual permiC and the busi.ness to <br />notif:y the Ci.ty when the sign would go up. <br />Page -1.3- <br />