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Mt~uTrs <br />City Council <br />March 21., 1.9H4 <br />Signs (Cont.) of days the Marlcet Place would be a1l.owed temporary sip,ns. <br />Mrs. Scal.ze stated that the Mari<et 7?lace would be allowed a Cemporary <br />sign 365 days per year. Mrs. stated that the other >hopping <br />cent:er would be al.l.owed a temporary ?.10 days per year. <br />The C1er1< f.el.t that many of these sip,ns woul.ct be eli.minated by the <br />setbaclc requi.rement. <br />Mr. Fahey felt that T4r. Hanson and Mr. ForsUer~; would accept the <br />30 days per year. proposal.. Tahey stated that the busi.ness communi.ty <br />is agreeabl.e to t.his and the City should try i.t and then Look at the <br />matter agai.n some time in the future. <br />D1rs. Scal.ze st:ated that she was agreeabl.e to i.t. <br />Mrs. Nardini stated that she would try it, but was voting againsC <br />her. consci.ence and f.elt that the Ci.ty shoutd try no temporary s:igns <br />f.or a year. <br />P1rs. Scalze introduced the resoluti.on and moved its adopti.on: <br />RFSOLUTION N0. 84-3-125 - RECOMMBNDING 7't-IAT <br />ORDINANCP N0. 209 73E AMBND~D WTTH R~GARD TO <br />TF:,MP013t112Y SLGAiS SO THAT A PFRMT7' POR A'PEMPORARY <br />STGN CAN 13E ISSUIiD POR NOT N10RL TFIAN 10 DAXS AT <br />A TIME LdI'.CN A TPN DAY INTT;RVAL SEPARATED I~Y 30 <br />IDAYS ~dITt-I A MAXIMUM OP 30 TOTt1L DAYS POR TIsMPORARY <br />SIGNAGE PER CAL~ND1'sIt YISAR WIT}I A YGRh1IT FEP 0~ <br />$1 PF.R DAY~ THP 1?FRMLT CAN BE OA'CAINPD ONCP PPR <br />YEAR GIITH TI~IP CFIOSGN DAYS STATFD AT TI{E TIM~ <br />THF PIiRMI7' IS APPLIf.iD POR AND CONDITIONED IIPON <br />NOT MORE TIIAN ONli 'CPMPORARY SIGN TO I3R AI.LOWI3D <br />AT ANY GIVliN TIME PI:R RPCISTFRED PKOPERTY <br />The f.ore,~oing r.esol.ution was duly seconded by P4r. 1?ahey. <br />Ayes (3) Scalze, Fahey, <br />Nayes (0). <br />Resolution decl.ared adopted. <br />This resolution appears in Resolution 13oolc No. 11, Page 134. <br />Park iJse Mrs. Sc.alze inf:ormed the Council that a non-profit group has <br />Pol~icy appro2ched the Parks and Recreation Director regarding the use <br />o£ Spooner Parlc for a Lund-ra:ising event. The evenL wi_ll consist <br />of rides and concessions and would he held the last: weelc i.n .luly. <br />This group has approached the Ci.ty of tiosevi.lle and coas denied use <br />o[ 13osev:ille parl<s. <br />Page -1.5- <br />