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MINU'CES <br />City Co~ncil <br />March 21., 1984 <br />Si.gns (Cont.) ~lrs. Cl.ausen poi.nted out that gas staCions are not in conformance <br /> the ordi.nance. Mrs. Scalze repl.:i.ed that the servi.ce stations <br />in the Ci.ty will h~ve to comply if the City decides to enforce the <br />ordi.nance. <br />T4r. Quirin pointed out that the City cannot enforce every ordinance. <br />Many are enf.orced by compl.aint. Qui.ri.n stated that the City has <br />ordi.nances for fl.ap,rent vioLaCions. <br />Mr. Licht stated that enEorcement was a diff:erent matter. The <br />Planner stated Y.hat businesses can submit drasoings of si;nage <br />and the City staff. can r.eview this and identi.f.y signs that are <br />i.n violati.on. <br />Mr.s. Scalze felt that i.t could also be Ci.ed into licensing of. businesses. <br />Mr. Pahey agreed and stated that the T3ui.lding T.nspector would not <br />i.ssue 1 li.cense for a business wit:h si.gns in violation. <br />T4r. Licht stated that i.f. a business wants another sign, the }3uildin~; <br />Inspector can look at the drawing and determine :if the s:ign was <br />withi.n the 15% li.mitation. <br />Mrs. Clausen suggested that signs reader boards shouLd have the <br />boards covered with pLastic so that Letters cannot be removed by <br />vandals. Mr. Pahey Felt that this was a personal problem and did <br />not Leel businesses would lilce the City requiring covers for the <br />reader boards. <br />Mr. Quirin did not feel there would Ue wholesaLe use of the 33% of <br />window signing if it came under the 15% building silouette limiCation. <br />Mrs. Nardi.ni_ felt that the ?.5% should remain. <br />The City Planner di.d not f:eel the City would be, up much by <br />i.ncreasing the percentage to 33%. The Plan~er pointed out thar the <br />window signs would sti.l]. be restri.cted by the 15% overall limitati.on. <br />Mr. I'ahey introduced the following resol.uti.on and moved i.ts adoption: <br />RESOLU'C~ION P10. 84-3-122 - BASL;D ON INPUT PROM <br />THI: i3USINESS COMMUNiTY 9ND CITI7.EN-A7'-LA13GE, <br />I'C IS THE RECOMMENDATION OL' TI~I~ CITY COUNCIL THAT <br />THE llPFINTTION OP AREA IDGN'LIFICATION SIGN B~ RF.TAINED <br />AS IS AiVD 'CNA7' 'I'HL PLANNEK ]3L' D:IREC'tED 7.'0 Di,2APT A <br />NEW DPFSNITION L'OR D~i,RECPIONAL SIGD1 ALLOWING ITS <br />7?LACPMENT OPP-PR~MIS~.S SUBJF.CT TO CONDlTIONAL <br />l1SF; PI;RMT'C <br />The foregoing resolution was dul.y seconcied by Mrs. <br />Ayes (3) Fahey,, Scalze. <br />Piaves ~0). Resolution declared adopted. <br />This resoluti.on appear.s in Resol.uti.on Book No. 1.1, Page 131. <br />Pa~e -8- <br />