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~1:CNU'I'ES OP' TH~ R1iGULAR P4I?,E'i'ING <br />CI'I'Y CO[JNCII. <br />LITTI,E CANADA, ~1ZNNI:SOTA <br />March 28, ].984 <br />Agenda <br />Item No. 1. <br />E~genda <br />ICem No. 7. <br />Approval <br />0 f: T.'h e <br />Minutes <br />Agenda <br />item No. 3 <br />PiiiPS <br />Addi.tion <br />Agenda <br />Item No. 4 <br />Pursuant ~o dve ca11 ancl noti.ce thereof a regular meetin~ of the <br />Council of the C,ity of Little Canada, Minnesota was held on the <br />7_8th day o£ March, 1984 :i.n the Council. Chambers of the C:ity Cent:er <br />I.ocated at 515 Li.ttle Can2da Road i.n sai.d City. <br />Mayor Raymond Flanson the meeting and cal.l. it to order zit <br />7:33 P.M. and Y.he followin{; were presenC at ro11. ca1.7.: <br />MEMflERS PRESTN'C: <br />AL,SO PRESENT: <br />Mayor. <br />Counci.lman <br />Councilman <br />Councilwoman <br />Counci.lwoman <br />City Clerk <br />Ci.ty Attorney <br />Ci.ty idnn~ineer <br />City PLanner <br />; SecreCary <br />Mr. Raymond }{anson <br />Mr. Kichael T'a11ey <br />Mr. I)ennis Porsberg <br />14r.s. Mugs Nardi.n:i <br />Mts. ~3evezly Scal.ze <br />Mr. ,7o>eph Chlebeclc <br />Mr. Thomas Sweeney <br />Mr. Uonald Carley <br />P1r.. Uavicl i.,i.cht <br />Mrs. ICathleen Glanzer <br />ietrs. Scal.ze :i.ntroduced the f.ol.l.owing resolution and moved i.ts acioptionc <br />IZLSOLIJTTON N0. 8~E-3-128 - APpROVINC <br />TE11i MZNUTES OI' 7,'HP MARCH l.~r, 1984 <br />COUNCIL P4EE'LING <br />The r.esolution oras dul.y seconcled by P9r. Porsberg. <br />Ayes (5) Scalz.e, Porsberg, 1lanson, Nardini, Fahey. <br />Nayes (0). <br />Resol.ui.ton declared adopted. <br />'Chi.s resol.uCion appear, in Resolution IIoolc No. 1.1, PaYe 137. <br />?4ayor Ilanson opened the public ori prcliminary plat approval <br />f.or Pates Additi.on. ~ <br />The Ci.ty Cl.erl< r.eported t:hat there has been a revi.s:i.on to tlte <br />The Cl.erlc poi.nted out thaC Lot 7 has been changed. <br />A1rs. Nardini poi.nted out that drai.nage easemenCS are not shown on th~ <br />plat. The Cl.erk repl:i.ed that there w:i.l.l. be easements shown on the final. <br />documents. The Pngi.neer reported that he has revi.ewed the easements <br />wiCli Mr. Peclc and he assured the Eng:ineer that t:hey be done. <br />Nlr. Dennis Peclc, Pates Addi.tion, reported that he di.d noC <br />have a problem the requi.rements of the Sdaters6ed. <br />Pa~;e -1- <br />