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i-~rt~vuz~rs <br />r,icy counc~i.1. <br />Apri.l. 11, 19Y,[e <br />CoJ.l.ova <br />(Cont.) <br />Mayoi l~ianson xeconvened the~, n[ 9:7.5 P,°9. <br />Mr, Forsber~; introduced the Lo U.owi_n~ resolution and moved it, adopCS.on: <br />RESOL,tJTI.ON T10. £34~-4-1.65 - ?~'AKIi~I~ 'QR, COI.,LOVB <br />A COUNTICR-OFPPR ON TI~IC DCii40N'C YRO}?ERTY QP <br />:n14,.500 AND GIVING ~1.'.:, COI,LOVA UI~~T:[L~ ~s:30 V.M, <br />OA1 Al?~7:L 7.2 TO AC'L OD' On' TI[F~] COIJ~iTtiR-OPPE',R <br />nNU iDl TI{F, Is'Vr~r'L' T'~IAT 'CI--: ~7~P'P_2 IS ACCR,3ITP,D 13Y <br />~1R. COI,i,OVA AIJ'C;~IOP.I%ING '!'li~ MAYOR AND C.TTY <br />CI,EPiC 9'0 SIGN THE AGRF,73i^,Efi'L <br />Ruch ~~ <br />Demont <br />Proper.~ty <br />T'he foreQoinp, resolut.i_o~t was duly seconded by i4r. I'eahey. <br />Ayes (.5) l~orsber.g, Fahey, Hanson, ~ar<lini., ;calze. <br />Nayes (0). <br />t;esoluti.on decl.ared aclopted. <br />Thi.s resoluti.on appear;; i.n Resol.ution ':3ooi< Dlo. 1.1., Pa~;e 1.79. <br />t~lr. 0'i3ani.on asked i_f thi.s offer would exCend t:o as ~ae11, C~fr. <br />P1hey repl.ied that the Ci_ty i.s £~i.rst of.f, the ~property to S4r. <br />Collova and ~i_~F k~e does not acc~~~pt, then Mr. 0';3~ini_on woul.d b~ f_~-ce <br />to make an o£.fer. <br />h6rs. Nardini_ aslcod the cost of the survey of [he RuCh an~ 1)emont <br />property. T.he lsngineer. stated t_hat Lie did noC lcnow, but felt i.t <br />oroul.d be close to Sf2p0, <br />Agenda 'Che C:i.t:y!c state<1 thaC t:he Cit;y needs an appraisal. ot Che <br />itern No. 12 property. 7'he Attorney repli_ed that the. Ci_ty has the appra~isal <br />frorn the Land Commissi.oner ~J.n Che amount of ~y30,000. Tne purpose <br />of the survey was to l.oc~te the property in rel.ati.on to thc~~ <br /> propFrty. <br />Mrs. Nardtna. stated that she wanted to be sure that the City woul.d <br />ge.C enou~h mon~y out of Che proper_ty to make ,i.t cvorth i.t. Nardini <br />d:i.d noC went to pui: a l.ot of, money int:o the property that the City <br />would not: recover. <br />Pahery suggestc.d that the Cit:.y advertise the propex~ty for sale aiid <br />then b~sed on ~ny ofter, determine if ~it i.s r~~alistic to acqui_re <br />the property. <br />P~tr. i'rattalone pointe<i out [}iat Che. ~vesC. side of tl~ie street was <br />very to repair. Piardini staCed that this prope.rty i.s <br />on the e~ast side. <br />Scalze asl<ed the amount of frontap,e needed on a corner 1ot. Nai-din7 <br />repl.i.ed that 125 f.cet was needed Lor R-?_ property. <br />PaJiey pointed out thflt: the lots togeCher could be so7.d for a 4-p].ex ].ot. <br />Pe~e -10- <br />